
an Oracle player in Ottawa

create an installation package in VB 2005

(2007-08-06 10:23:14) 下一個

create a VB installation package.  2 errors:
  1> system.invalidoperationexception
  because the datagrid ocx did not get registered, but it's not dbgrid32.ocx,msdatgrid.ocx,
  it's MSCHRT20.OCX, with AxInterop.MSChart20Lib.dll, Interop.MSChart20Lib.dll in the same directory as the exe.
  I totally forgot about this, it's developed by me 18 months ago, now it took me 2 weekends to figure it out!
  2> Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040112): Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID
     {00000010-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 80040112.
  it stops at loading the following DLL: Interop.DAO.DLL

  DAO is not supported well in VB.NET, change the reference from DAO3.51, to DAO 3.6
  and commented out the following statement in UpgradeSupport.vb
  Friend DAODBEngine_definst As New DAO.DBEngine
  add 'DAODBEngine_definst As New DAO.DBEngine' to the related subprogram directly, no more errors

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