
對亞裔的歧視 everyone has to face it.

(2012-02-23 07:23:21) 下一個

We see plenty of Italian out of Giada and Mario. We get our soul food thanks to the Neelys and Aaron McCargo, Jr., but what about our Asian friends? Ming Tsai is gone and have there EVER been any Asian girls hosting a show? Is the Fine Living Network with the Original Iron Chef the only place to find some Asian ethnicity?

Critical Moments: Next Stop, Vegas by in Shows,

Next Iron Chef judge Simon Majumdar joins us on the FN Dish each week to share his insider’s take on what went down Sunday night.

bobby_fillet's avatar - Go to profile

FN edits the shows to make Canora and Tsai look like jerks (even though they probably aren't in real life) so FN has already decided that they won't win. It's all predetermined and has nothing to do with food. These FN "contests" are a sham.

Pauline L.'s avatar

Pauline L. · 67 weeks ago

I agree with you completely, LindaS! Canora is a tool and bad mouths Ming Tsai every chance he gets. Yet, I love how at the end of last week's episode Canora threw his arm over Ming Tsai's back and gave Ming Tsai a friendly squeeze on the shoulder as though they were the best of pals despite having been a total smug-faced jerk to Tsai since day one, but that's what two-faced bad guys do! This Canora guy's laughable. He throws his old world Italian roots around, expects the red carpet to be rolled out for him, smirks at and shows no respect for the East/West concept Ming Tsai incorporates into his cooking, can't throw out a compliment to save his own life, and is just your classic jerk. He wants respect from, but shows none to Tsai. It's been confirmed, Ming Tsai has shown Canora respect, but Canora has shown none to Ming Tsai. Canora loathes Ming Tsai because Canora is weak.

Elaine's avatar


Elaine · 66 weeks ago

I am so disappointed that they eliminated Chef Tsai. Clearly he was the only choice that made any sense as an iron chef. Not only does he have the experience and knowledge, but also the charisma and personality to attract audiences. Canora in the other hand, its obnoxious and not a good team player. I will not continue to watch; as there is no challenge as far as I am concerned. I see Canora as a overrated cook and definitely not a chef. What a real disappointment this season of next iron chef its been.

pardesi's avatar

pardesi · 67 weeks ago

THE NEXT IRON CHEF will be an ITALIAN... The JUDGE dont understand any other food. The lady... she cant even eat spicy food.. SHE LOVES CHEESE and GARLIC on TOP of a TOMATO paste on a bread. Yes we all know its called Pizza.

She is the worst judge. She has no idea of texture and flavor ... every new flavor is VERY STRONG for Her.

jordan's avatar

jordan · 67 weeks ago

i have never been a fan of the next iron chef, however after learning that ming tsai was on this season, i was excited! Ive been watching him since FN east meets west almost ten years ago. now i watch him on pbs. Canora seems like he has some momentum but from my point of view, knowing how skilled chef tsai is, these other chefs are not half as accomplished as ming. Ming tsai as the next iron chef would actually make me want to watch iron chef america. Tsai FTW!

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Han Chuan Ong · 67 weeks ago

Full disclosure: I am Asian and I am a fan of chef Ming Tsai not because he is Asian. He respects the culinary arts and his fellow chefs. Remember he said that Forgione's dad is a "heck of a cook?" Voting for Canora's potato dish shows that Tsai will call a spade a spade. His Iron Chef abilities? He defeated Flay on Battle Duck. Garces' knock on Tsai's plating reeks of sour (fermented) grapes. Unlike others, I am making Blue Ginger my food mecca instead of the French Laundry.

 donna thomas's avatar

donna thomas · 67 weeks ago

In no way has the competiton been easy for Chef Tsai. But like a true warrior he has battled back from almost being eliminated. He has overcome the jealousy from some of the others that would have crushed a lesser competitor. It takes real guts to hang in there and compete with all your 'heart' til Alton commands them to "put it down and walk away", in the final battle in Kitchen Stadium. I hope Chef Tsai will be there.

Jimbob's avatar

Jimbob · 67 weeks ago

If youre lucky enough to eat at Blue ginger, Ming Tsai's dishes are the best tasting meals you'll ever have. I've watched a few episodes here, and I'm surprised people are focused so much on personality and heart. Iron chef is about food... period, the judges don't care if you're an ass (FLAY) as long as you can cook.

Canora is an ass obviously... but he can cook.

Let's see how they deal with the increased pressure and competition... thats' the key

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James · 68 weeks ago

I am pleased (and relieved) to read Simon's endorsement of Chef Tsai in this post, as the editing seems to have favored Chef Canora so strongly. By that I mean Canora's comments are always his general, positive statements, and Tsai's comments are out-of-context asides. I've watched Ming for years, and he just isn't as snippy as you seem to be trying to make him look, and I'm sure Canora has his uptight moments, too. Be fair, FN editors.

As viewers, we don't taste the food. We just see it.

And Chef Tsai's dishes are beautiful to look at. Which is what we are doing out here in the heartland. He is eloquent and describes the flavors for us viewers, which is most welcome, rather than merely stating what worked or didn't in the dish (are you listening, Donatella?!).

FN has made Canora seem warm. But more Italian food from an Iron Chef? Been there, done that. Chef Tsai would take Iron Chef into new, wonderful-to-watch territory.

Ces's avatar

Ces · 67 weeks ago

I am a great fan of Chef Tsai. His show on PBS is simply delightful to watch. He is very much a gentleman , not arrogant at all as what the others perceive him to be. Those who think he is arrogant should wach him on PBS - Simply Ming and you will know what I mean. His crtiques are not biased. He does not give an air of a "show off". He is just quiet and works hard to get the best dish on the plate. I watch this show because of Chef Tsai and I hope he wins. I even notice that in some of the past episodes, the camera hardly ever even focuses on Chef Tsai but on the other chefs like Canora. You just see him on the sidelines hard at work. That is simply good work ethics.

Dev's avatar

Dev · 68 weeks ago

FN, if you are reading this, please do not alienate your channel from ASIANs. Over half of the world population are in Asia . Whether in India or China or Southeast Asia, be it an Indian, Chinese, Indonesian, Thai, Philippines, Vietnamese, Malaysian ...these people make up nearly 4 billion of the almost 7 billion world population, that's over 50% . You have to move out of comfort zone and expand your reach. Last season winner was IMO a "bad" investment ..what did you get out of him in one year ..nada. You have enough IC that does almost the same thing,,,,,there are only so many ways to BBQ and make Pasta... Food is a lot more to that .

Leti's avatar

Leti · 68 weeks ago

I understand all of the posts regarding Chef Canora. His arrogant and self-centered demeanor leaves alot to be desired. These qualities are not Iron Chef material. All of the other remaining chefs show good technique and skill, yet Chef Ming Tsai has shown that he is more than qualified to be an Iron Chef.

donna thomas's avatar

donna thomas · 68 weeks ago

As I watch the rivals, Ming Tsai, alone, shows the heart of an Iron Chef.

While the others worry, and complain about the challenges of the competition, Ming just smiles with anticipation. He's having a good time, sharpening his skill set, and growing with every challenge.

He has been cooking his heart out from the very beginning, and I believe he will be The Next Iron Chef!

stephanie's avatar

stephanie · 68 weeks ago

Can't believe that some of you are watching the same Ming Tsai that has East meets West on PBS. He is so humble and loving when his parents are guest chefs and he has great rapport with other guest chefs. I think he is terrific and admire his desire to prove he still has "game". Most people who have made it as far as he has in their professions would sit back and rest on their laurels and not subject themselves to the criticism and rivalry--he certainly isn't doing it for the money or the fame. GO MING!!!!



LindaS's avatar

LindaS · 68 weeks ago

I love Ming Tsai and I hope he wins. Canora is arrogant and full of himself. I dislike his undercutting of other chefs and that smirk when he is named as the most successful of the secret ingredient challenges.just irritates the snot out of me. I want him to fall on his culinary face and go home.
I felt bad for Chauhan but wasn't surpirsed.

Jess's avatar

Jess · 68 weeks ago

Whilst Iron Chef USA isnt screening in Aus, its good to read an insider judges' view. The original Iron Chef (I was a huge fan of) IMHO failed when it came to the judging part. Even seemed terribly biased towards Iron Chef. I was suspicious of the voting system & especially the smiling slim hungry looking actress (always suspected she didnt like food full stop).

donna thomas's avatar

donna thomas · 68 weeks ago

i'm with you Sonia. Chef TSai has been nothing but a good sport. He was right to be annoyed with Canora's jockying for position over his secret ingredient potato challenge dish.

even so, Chef Tsai voted for Canora's dish. Canora has shown no grace at all!

Tsai is the best chance for Kitchen Stadium to welcome another great Iron Chef.

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