

(2007-07-30 19:01:40) 下一個

One of my great passions in life has been writing. Early years I considered being a journalist as a career, but didn't want to compromise my integrity or creativity by conforming to a few column inches.

I concluded that my passion should remain just that and not be cheapened by becoming that thing I would come to find tedious and repetitive...a job! In the same way I have kept other passions like traveling, photography. I write for my own pleasure, and I use my stories in the same way I kept a journal...as an outlet for my deepest feelings.

際上, 寫字並不一定都是由激情而產生,中國曆史上,通常文人以寫字而獲罪, 我的寫字是由獲罪而開始的,。 頗有黑色幽默的是七歲那年,有幸被定為人類曆史上可能是最小的反革命以後。我開始自己給自己寫調侃書,當然用自己的發明的密碼字。

The journal that (if) I wrote when I travel would be focused more on my view and feeling about a place rather than what I did there. I do enjoy revisiting places that I have felt a connection with. Most of my early years was spent on road trip and my first solo trip was a visit to my relatives 2000 miles away at the age of 7. We did not get along! However, that was nobody's fault

未成年, 我已老
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