
輾轉貝多芬---Chuck Berry ^__^ + 彈彈翻譯

(2008-03-11 12:51:29) 下一個

Im gonna write a little letter, 我要寫個悄悄話
Gonna mail it to my local dj. 發給快遞斑豬
Its a rockin rhythm record 是幾個搖滾帖子
I want my jockey to play. 讓他給置頂
Roll over beethoven, I gotta hear it again today. 貝多芬鬱悶巴 我管他那麽多

You know, my temperatures risin 看我很火爆巴
And the jukebox blows a fuse. 快遞被水淹拉
My hearts beatin rhythm 我心打著節奏
And my soul keeps on singin the blues.我靈唱著藍調
Roll over beethoven and tell tschaikowsky the news. 小貝翻身起來去找小柴訴苦巴~

I got the rockin pneumonia, 我得的這叫搖搖肺炎
I need a shot of rhythm and blues. 誰給我貼首老R&B巴
I think Im rollin arthiritis 我還有滾滾關節炎
Sittin down by the rhythm review. 用鼠標點開一演唱會視頻
Roll over beethoven rockin in two by two. 天堂裏的小貝翻身起來也開機上快遞拉

Well, if you feel you like it 恩 你要是喜歡
Go get your lover, then reel and rock it. 拉著你好友也來回貼巴
Roll it over and move on up just 對,別光回貼,要說丁頁~
A trifle further and reel and rock it, 丁頁丁頁丁頁
Roll it over, 弓雖丁頁
Roll over beethoven rockin in two by two. 小貝翻身起來丁頁拉

Well, early in the mornin Im a-givin you a warnin 恩,1大早就頂nn發的搖滾貼
Dont you step on my blue suede shoes. 也不能讓青梅發的沉下去阿
Hey diddle diddle, I am playin my fiddle, 葳蕤和evaluna 也得鼓勵頂,
Aint got nothin to lose. 這樣他們才繼續發貼,我不虧阿~
Roll over beethoven and tell tschaikowsky the news. 小貝翻身起來去拉小柴也來頂拉

You know she wiggles like a glow worm, 搖滾好貼很多的
Dance like a spinnin top. 全黑背景+flash的那種
She got a crazy partner, 有的貼還帶酷圖+
Oughta see em reel and rock. 整張專輯打包下載
Long as she got a dime the music will never stop. 隻要你好好丁頁,好貼會繼續有阿

Roll over beethoven, 小貝翻起來
Roll over beethoven, 小貝翻起來
Roll over beethoven, 小貝翻起來
Roll over beethoven, 小貝翻起來
Roll over beethoven and dig these rhythm and blues. 小貝翻起來給我狠狠丁頁搖滾貼拉~~~~

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