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【專輯名稱】:A Winter Symphony《真愛永恆 冬日交響》
【專輯歌手】:Sarah Brightman
【發行日期】:Nov. 4 2008
【發行公司】:Manhattan Records
2008年莎拉破天荒地首度發行了兩張專輯,年初的《真愛傳奇Symphony》以及年終的《真愛永恆 冬日交響》,另外她也將登上PBS電視臺的特別節目「維也納交響樂Symphony in Vienna」,並展開全球巡迴演出之旅。同時她也將首度涉足電影,與好萊塢「麻煩精」芭莉絲希爾頓合演的搖滾歌劇電影「Repo! The Genetic Opera」。
《真愛傳奇》在今年一月發行後,成功地締造佳績。專輯中莎拉結合多種元素,將歌德曲風加進自己的演唱,成為她銷售成績再創新高的作品。這張專輯探索 多元曲風,再次藉由各種不同素材的結合,讓專輯跨越曲風界限,卻依然能吸引各種不同類型的樂迷欣賞、喜愛。從歌德風到抒情婉轉的唱腔,《真愛傳奇》這張專 輯既有大膽不羈的曲風,又有纖細柔情。片中更將〈賓士Running〉一曲送給國際運動員總會的綠色計畫作為慈善募款歌曲,莎拉更在該會於日本大阪冠軍賽 的開幕式上演唱此曲。而這張專輯也再度邀請到波伽利與她合唱,同時西班牙天籟男聲利馬、義大利歌神沙費納以及搖滾巨擎保羅史坦利,也都在其中各自與她合唱 一曲。
11月,莎拉發行今年的第二張專輯《真愛永恆 冬日交響》,莎拉將自己高超的歌唱技巧和原創力投入這些膾炙人口的經典歌曲之中,包括了〈Silent Night〉、以及尼爾戴蒙的經典歌曲〈I've Been This Way Before〉、〈In The Bleak Midwinter〉;阿巴樂團難得的演奏曲〈Arrival〉:莎拉特別請人填詞,讓此曲首度成為歌曲;另外,這張新片中也有首合唱歌曲:是再次邀請西班牙天籟男高音利馬合唱〈Ave Maria〉,不僅如此,莎拉更與倫敦交響樂團和皇家交響樂團、以及46位詩班歌手組成的合唱團合作,展開華麗的女高音演唱。
在《真愛永恆 冬日交響》發行的首周,莎拉除了要立刻展開全球巡迴之旅外,她也將會首度現身大銀幕,出現在搖滾歌劇電影「Repo! The Genetic Opera」一片中擔任女主角,其它角色還包括巴莉絲希爾頓、保羅索維諾等人。這是一部恐柨音樂劇,由戴倫林恩鮑斯曼導演,也就是暢銷的驚悚電影「奪魂 鋸」一到三集的導演。
Sarah Brightman, the world's biggest-selling soprano artists of all time will release her first-ever Christmas album titled A Winter Symphony. The album borrows it's name from Brightman's earlier 2008 album, Symphony. A Winter Symphony brings her virtuosity and originality to many of the season's classics. Brightman chose a number of traditional songs from the season: "Silent Night", "In the Bleak Midwinter", and "Child in a Manger", as well as two versions of "Ave Maria", one being the classical piece by French composer Charles Gounod, and the other -in duet with tenor Fernando Lima- an original by Brightman and Mexican composer Jorge Aveda?o. Included are also contemporary pop tunes, such as Vince Gill's "Colder Than Winter", a cover of Neil Diamond's "I've Been This Way Before" and Roy Wood's "I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday". The set continues with a rendition of "Amazing Grace" and closes with a reading of "I Believe in Father Christmas" originally by Emerson, Lake & Palmer.
01. Arrival
02. Colder Than Winter
03. Ave Maria [Duet with Fernando Lima]
04. Silent Night
05. In The Bleak Midwinter
06. I've Been This Way Before
07. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
08. Child In A Manger
09. I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday
10. Amazing Grace
11. Ave Maria (Gounod)
12. I Believe In Father Christmas
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