
  • 博客訪問:

千五基礎英語單詞例句 (Jail - Knowledge)

(2009-09-01 22:29:55) 下一個


jail [a prison for those waiting to be tried for a crime or for those serving sentences for crimes that are not serious]
He was sentenced to ten days in jail.

jewel [a valuable stone, such as a diamond or emerald]
She keeps her valuable jewels at the bank.

job [the work that one does to earn money]
Jean has a new job at an Internet company.

join [(1) to put together or come together; (2) to become part of or a member of]
I can join the two broken parts together. (1)
We invited her to join our study group. (2)

joint [shared by two or more]
We made a joint agreement not to meet next week.

joke [something done or said to cause others to laugh]
Have you heard any new jokes?

judge [(1) to form an opinion about; (2) to decide a question, especially a legal one ; (3) a public official who decides problems of law in a court]
I helped judge the writing ability of each person in the competition. (1)
The jury judged the two men guilty of all charges. (2)
The judge in traffic court hears many cases every day. (3)

jump [to push down on the feet and move up quickly into the air]
How high can you jump?

jury [a group of people chosen to decide what is true in a trial]
The jury found him guilty.

just [(1) only; (2) very shortly before or after the present; (3) at the same time; (4) what is right or fair]
Help me for just a minute. (1)
He just left. (2)
He left just as I came in. (3)
The law is just, in my opinion. (4)
keep [(1) to possess; (2) to have for oneself]
They kept the old house for a long time. (1)
He keeps most of the money that he earns. (2)

kick [to hit with the foot]
How far can you kick the ball?

kidnap [to seize and take away by force]
The man kidnapped the boy but released him after the family paid him a million dollars.

kill [(1) to make dead; (2) to cause to die]
The woman killed her three husbands for their money. (1)
The blight killed almost every chestnut tree in the United States. (2)

kind [(1) sort; (2) gentle; (3) caring; (4) helpful]
What kind of dog is that? (1)
He is a kind man. (2)
She was a kind mother to all her children. (3)
A kind old man told me where to find your house. (4)

kiss [to touch with the mouth to show love or honor]
Do you remember your first kiss?

knife [a tool or weapon used to cut]
The knife that he found was very sharp.

know [(1) to understand something as correct; (2) to have the facts about; (3) to recognize someone because you have met and talked together before]
I know the answer to your question. (1)
Do you know how deep the river is here? (2)
He knew her for many years. (3)

knowledge [(1) that which is known; (2) learning or understanding]
A huge library in Alexandria, Egypt, was the world's center of knowledge 2,300 years ago. (1)
You can use the Internet computer system to find knowledge about a great many subjects. (2) 


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