[to express regret for a mistake or accident for which one accepts responsibility]
Do not apologize for someone else's mistake.
[(1) to take to a higher court, person or group for a decision; (2) to call on somebody for help]
I have appealed the decision to a higher court. (1)
The aid organization appealed for more food and water for flood victims. (2)
[(1) to show oneself; (2) to come into sight; (3) to seem]
The actor appeared on television for the first time. (1)
The ship appeared as the fog lifted. (2)
The farmer appeared to be very tired. (3)
[(1) to name; (2) to choose]
The owner appointed John to head the new business. (1)
The president can appoint a judge to the new court. (2)
[(1) to agree with; (2) to agree to support]
The bank approved my loan. (1)
I approve of your proposal. (2)
[the scientific study of past human life and activities]
He studied archeology in college.
[any place or part of it]
My friend lives in this area.
[(1) to offer reasons for or against something; (2) to dispute; (3) to disagree]
The President argued for more aid to schools. (1)
They argued all day but could not find agreement. (2)
George and Al love to argue about politics. (3)
[(1) military equipment; (2) weapons]
The rebels got most of their arms by taking them from soldiers. (1)
We are very concerned about the spread of nuclear arms. (2)
[military ground forces]
The army fights on the ground.
[on every side (of)]
She drove around in her new car.
[(1) to seize a person for legal action; (2) to take as a prisoner]
The judge ordered police to arrest him because he refused to come to court. (1)
The police arrested the violent demonstrators. (2)
[to come to a place, especially at the end of a trip]
The president arrived in Tokyo for an official visit.
[expressions or creations by humans, such as paintings, music, writing or statues]
Much of the art included paintings stolen during World War II.
[big guns]
Artillery destroyed most of the buildings in the town.
[(1) equally; (2) when; (3) while]
The wild fire spread as fast as the wind behind it. (1)
As he heard the gunshot, he looked at his watch and saw it was almost five o'clock. (2)
He watched the animal as it ran across the field. (3)
[the part left after something burns]
Only ashes were left when the fire passed.
[(1) to question; (2) to say something is wanted]
We ask the teacher questions every day. (1)
The candidate asked the people for their votes. (2)
[to help]
The doctor asked the medical student to assist him.
[a person who travels in space]
Astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.
[the scientific study of stars and the universe]
I study astronomy because I like to look at stars.
[political protection given by a government to a person from another country]
The refugee asked for political asylum.
[(1) in or near; (2) where; (3) when]
She saw the bear at the edge of the forest. (1)
Look at the bear. (2)
We must go home at noon. (3)
[the gases surrounding any star or planet]
The atmosphere of Venus is mostly water and carbon dioxide.
[(1) to tie together; (2) to connect]
Please attach this name card to your coat. (1)
He attached himself to our group. (2)
[(1) a violent attempt to damage, injure or kill; (2) to start a fight]
The war started with a rebel attack on government troops at Charleston, South Carolina. (1)
Several men attacked him on the street. (2)
[(1) to work toward something; (2) to try; (3) to make an effort]
He attempted to change his life one step at a time. (1)
Do not attempt to drive through the flood waters. (2)
You will never write your book if you do not attempt it. (3)
[to be present at]
The president will attend the meeting.
[(1) a vehicle with wheels used to carry people; (2) a car]
Is a bus an automobile? (1)
Who invented the automobile? (2)