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體育美語: 劃船 Rowing on the Potomac

(2009-02-24 19:48:48) 下一個

體育美語: 劃船 Rowing on the Potomac 

Y: Hi, 我是Yang Chen.




P: Hey, Look over there! Aren't those girls members of the Potomac Boat Club?

Y: Let's go say hello to them.

Sarah: "Potomac boat Club is one of the best, kind of feeder programs onto the national team."

Y: 這是波多馬克劃艇俱樂部成員Sarah. Patrick,Sarah剛才說的feeder programs,你知道是什麽意思嗎?

P: Feeder program means.........

Y 沒錯,這個俱樂部已經送了10位選手進國家隊了。

她們的教練是Matt Madigan: "Rowing is an expensive sport,. You have to travel. You have to have a car to transfer your boat. The equipment itself runs between 6000 and 12000 dollars for your own shell.."

Y: 他說劃艇是一項expensive sport,原來那些設備都要自己買,國家不管啊?

P: They are basically on their own. Luckily for these rowers, a high-tech company called FortuisOne provides them a secure job, steady income and allow them to focus on their training.

Here is team member Ruth Stiver: "having found this job, I can manage both things and have both passions in my life."

Y: Ruth剛才說這份工作滿足了both passions in her life. 看來每個人都要有兩個passions。

P: 不見得。我隻有一個,Crew! Rowing!

Y: Patrick, 咱們今天別回去上班了,繼續劃船好嗎?

P: Lets keep on rowing. Yang Chen. 


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