
  • 博客訪問:

體育美語: 起哄 - Heckling

(2009-02-23 18:24:20) 下一個
體育美語: 起哄 - Heckling

(Sounds of baseball stadium - music, cheering)

P: Ayyyyy, Batta, batta, batta. Swing, batta!

Y: Patrick. 這是我第一次看棒球比賽。 I'm so excited.

P: Batta, batta, batta. Swing, batta!

Y: What are you doing, Patrick?

P: I'm heckling the players. Heckling H-E-C-K-L-I-N-G is when you yell at a player of the team you are not rooting for.

Y: Gee, that's not very nice, Patrick. 你這樣起哄會影響運動員發揮的。It's very distracting.

P: It is distracting and it really is not good to yell at athletes you aren't rooting for- but in baseball, it is a tradition.

Y: A tradition? 這還是個傳統啊?

P: The most common way is by yelling: Batta, batta, batta. Swing, batta!

Y: Oh, I get it now. 你是在衝著那個batter,那個擊球手起哄。

P: Right, and I'm hoping the batter, B-A-T-T-E-R, will miss the ball and get a strike, S-T-R-I-K-E.

And if the batter swings three times and misses, it is three strikes, and heeee's OUT!

Y 如果對方的batter三次沒擊中球, three strikes, 他就完了。也就是”三振出局“。

P: Three strikes and you are out. That is what we want, Yang Chen. After three strikes, our team gets a chance to score.

Y: But are you really sure it is OK to be heckling the players, Patrick?

P: In the U.S., baseball players expect to be heckled. They train themselves not to react to it.

Y: 美國的棒球運動員不怕別人起哄。Can you yell anything you want?

P: Well, not really. You can't yell anything really mean or obscene.

Y: 我知道了,不可以罵人,不可以喊髒話,那這樣行嗎?- Hey, 大笨瓜,strike out!

P: Uh, no.

Y: Hey look! It worked. 那個大笨瓜, he is out. 他被三振出局了!This is fun.!

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