
  • 博客訪問:

體育美語: 奧運開幕式 - Olympic Opening Ceremony

(2009-02-22 18:41:03) 下一個

體育美語: 奧運開幕式 - Olympic Opening Ceremony

PW: Today we are going to talk about the Olympic Opening Ceremony.

Y: Yeh!

PW: You sure are excited about the Opening Ceremony. but is it such a big deal?

Y: Of course it's a big deal. 奧運會四年才開一次。主辦國可以在開幕式上顯示曆史、文化,經濟實力。You know, to show off.

P: So, I am guessing there will be lots of performances - dances and acrobatics.

Y: Yes, that's right, Patrick.


P: It starts with the raising of the Olympic flag and the performing of the Olympic anthem.

Y: 然後是各國運動員入場。

P: That's called a "Parade of Nations," when the athletes of each nation participating in the Olympics parade through the stadium with their national teams. 

Y: 開幕式除了大型表演,最精彩的是最後點燃奧運聖火。

P: Lighting of the Olympic Flame with the torch is the climax of the opening ceremony. It's awesome.

Y: 說了半天,我隻在電視上看過奧運會開幕式,如果能到現場那該多好。

P: Well, look what I've got!

Y: 開幕式門票!

Oh my gosh, Patrick! Who did you knock off to get those?

P: Who did I "knock off"? Don't worry, I didn't have to kill anyone, Yang Chen. The tickets to the opening ceremony are sold out long time ago. I was given these by a friend whose brother is an Olympic athlete.

Y: 你還認識奧運會運動員。Cool.

PW: Say, do you want to go, Yang Chen? I've got two tickets?

YC: Do I want to go? I'd LOVE to go!


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