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每天英語背誦 (01-16-09) (ZT)

(2009-01-15 23:56:03) 下一個

Words To Live By 生活的忠告(二)

Share your knowledge to continue a timeless tradition;   和別人分享你的知識,那才是永恒之道;  

Treat our earth in a friendly way,don’t fool around with mother nature;   善待我們的地球,不要愚弄自然母親;  

Do the thing you should do;   做自己該做的事;  

Don’t trust a lover who kisses you without closing their eyes;   不要相信接吻時從不閉眼的伴侶;  

Go to a place you’ve never been to every year.   每年至少去一個你從沒去過的地方。  

If you earn much money,the best way to spend it is on charitable deeds while you are alive;   如果你賺了很多錢,在活著的時候多行善事,這是你能得到的最好回報;  

Remember,not all the best harvest is luck;   記住有時候,不是最好的收獲也是一種好運;  

Understand rules completely and change them reasonably;   深刻理解所有的規則,合理地更新他們;  

Remember,the best love is to love others unconditionally rather than make demands on them;   記住,最好的愛存在於對別人的愛勝於對別人的索求這上;  

Comment on the success you have attained by looking in the past at the target you wanted to achieve most;   回頭看看你發誓取得的目標,然後評價你到底有多成功;  

In love and cooking,you must give 100% effort……but expect little appreciation;   無論是烹飪不是愛情,都用百分之百的負責態度對待,但是不要乞求太多的回報。
本文來自: 恒星英語學習網(
www.Hxen.com) 詳細出處參考:http://www.hxen.com/meitianyingyu/2009-01-16/66128.html

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