
  • 博客訪問:

體育美語: 加油 Let\'s Go

(2008-12-12 21:55:34) 下一個


Y: Hi, this is Yang Chen.

P: And I'm Patrick.

Y: 看體育比賽到現場和看電視不一樣,現場可以為運動員加油打氣。給球隊加油。英語裏基本的說法是,

P: Let's go!

Y: Let's go在這裏不是我們走吧,而是加油。Patrick, 你先教大家怎麽喊加油。

P: Let's Go is followed by the name of the team you are cheering for. You then follow it with another "Let's go." Like "Let's go, Lakers. Let's go."

Y: 先說一遍Let's go. 然後喊球隊的名字,最後再喊一遍Let's go. 如果為美國隊加油,就喊:

P: Let's go, Team U.S.A, Let's go!

Y: 我們倆一齊喊怎麽樣?

Y/P: Let's go, Team U.S.A, Let's go! Let's go, Team USA, Let's go!

P: Wow. We are good!

Y: 給單個運動員加油和給一個團隊加油不一樣。

P: To cheer on an individual athlete in a race or a competition, many U.S. fans will yell: "Come on!" followed by the name of the athlete they are cheering for. They will end with "You can do it!"

Y: 你要是喜歡看貝克汗姆踢球,那就喊:

P: Come on! Beckham, You can do it!

But, perhaps the most famous cheer is one used at middle and high schools all over America. It goes like this "Two, Four, Six, Eight - who do we appreciate?" followed by the name of the team you are rooting for.

Y: 這個有意思:Two, Four, Six, Eight---Who do we appreciate? 火箭隊!Don't you want to try?

P: Not this time, Yang Chen.

Y: Come on, Patrick! You can do it! 

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