歌詞 Lyrics
望著月亮的時候 Whenever I look at the moon
常常想起你 I would think about you 望著你的時候 And when I fix my eyes on you 就想起月亮 The moon would come into my mind 世界上最美 最美的是月亮 The beauty of the world is the moon 比月亮更美 更美的是你 And you are the beauty of all beauties 沒有你的日子裏 Whenever you are away from me 我常常望著月亮 I often look up at the moon 那溶溶的月色 就像你的臉龐 Whose gentle and silky light, resembles the image of your face 月亮撫慰 撫慰著我的心 The moon comforts my aching heart
我的淚水 浸濕了月光 And my tears wet the moonlight on the ground 月亮在天上 The moon is high up in the sky 我在地上 While I am down on the earth 就像你在海角 Just as you are at the far corner of the earth 我在天涯 While I am at the other end of the world 月亮升的再高也高不過天 High as she is, the moon is no higher than the sky 你走的多麽遠 And no matter how far you are away from me
也走不出我的思念 You always remain in my heart |