Enchanted (2007 film)
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Enchanted is a film of 2007 musical film , directed by Kevin Lima and produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Josephson Entertainment. It premiered on October 20, 2007 at the London Film Festival before it was released on November 21, 2007 in the United States. The film, both homage to and a self-parody of conventional Disney animated features, makes numerous references to Disney's past and future works, and blends live action filmmaking, traditional animation and computer-generated imagery. The plot focuses on Giselle, an archetypal Disney Princess who is forced from her 2D-animated world of Andalasia into real-life New York City.
The film heralds the return of traditional animation to a Disney feature film after the company's decision to move entirely to computer animation in 2004. Composer Alan Menken and lyricist Stephen Schwartz, who had written songs for previous Disney films, produced Enchanted's songs, with Menken also composing its score.
Starring Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden, Timothy Spall, Idina Menzel, Rachel Covey and Susan Sarandon, the film was well-received critically and garnered two nominations at the 65th Golden Globe Awards and three nominations at the 80th Academy Awards. The film also proved to be a commercial success, earning more than $300 million worldwide at the box office.[2]
Giselle (Amy Adams) lives in the blissful animated world of Andalasia, where animals are talkative companions and musical interludes punctuate every interaction. She dreams of her true love and builds a statue to represent him from her dream with the help of her chipmunk friend Pip and other forest animals. As she sings about true love's kiss (in a song aptly titled "True Love's Kiss"), Prince Edward (James Marsden), a handsome and good-hearted, but somewhat dimwitted and egotistical, prince, hears her voice in the forest and rescues her from a troll. Giselle and Edward get engaged to be married the next day but her fate takes a turn for the worse on her wedding day when his stepmother, the villainous Queen Narissa (Susan Sarandon), throws her through a magic portal to "a place where there are no happily ever afters" in order to keep her stepson single and thus remain queen.
Giselle's plunge into darkness lands her in the live-action world of modern day New York City, where she meets Robert Philip (Patrick Dempsey), a divorced lawyer who takes her into his apartment despite believing that she is crazy and worrying about the safety of his young daughter Morgan (Rachel Covey). The next morning, he becomes angry when he and his daughter find Giselle has called rats and other vermin to clean their apartment and that she has constructed a dress using material cut from his curtains. Nancy (Idina Menzel), Robert's soon-to-be-fiancée, walks in to find Giselle on top of Robert after Giselle had just tripped and accidentally landed on him. Giselle is dressed only in a towel, having just got out of the shower, and Nancy leaves assuming the worst. Robert goes to his office with Giselle, who starts crying after finding out that one of Robert's clients is getting a divorce, thus bringing everybody down and causing Robert's boss to reprimand him. Robert takes Giselle outside the building to Central Park.
At the end of his patience, Robert decides to leave Giselle, but rejoins her after seeing her give the money he gave her to an old woman. During their walk through Central Park, Giselle questions Robert on how he displays his affection for Nancy and spontaneously starts the musical production number "That's How You Know" with everyone in the park performing with her. Giselle sends Nancy an apology on Robert's behalf, along with tickets to the King's and Queen's Ball. Charmed, Nancy accepts. Meanwhile, Queen Narissa's henchman Nathaniel (Timothy Spall) follows Edward and Pip, who have journeyed to New York to save Giselle. They stop at a motel, where Nathaniel questions himself and his relationship with Narissa after watching a soap opera. He sneaks out to give Giselle a poisoned apple, while Pip, unable to speak in this world, has a frustrating time alerting the Prince of the minion's intentions. Nathaniel tries twice to poison Giselle, only to be stopped by Pip, and Narissa becomes infuriated.
As Giselle stays another night in Robert's apartment, Robert tells her he will help her because he does not believe Edward will show up. She becomes aggravated and then giddy when she discovers that she is experiencing anger for the first time. They both stare at each other for a moment and realize they are falling in love. Edward finds Giselle the next morning and, at her insistence, they go on a date around New York. She suggests that they go to the King's and Queen's Ball that evening while Edward gets her to agree to return with him to Andalasia right after the ball. Giselle and Edward arrive at the ball and greet Nancy and Robert. After Nancy and Edward pair off to dance to the song "So Close", Giselle dances with Robert. As Robert softly sings the lyrics to her, Giselle realizes that Robert is her true love. Nancy decides to cut in. Giselle and Edward leave for Andalasia but as she waits for Edward, Giselle is visibly upset.
Narissa suddenly appears as the old hag and offers Giselle an apple that she says will make her forget the whole experience. Giselle takes a bite and collapses on the floor. Narissa then attempts to take her away, boarding the elevator with her, to die of the poison, but Edward stops her at the last second, blocking the closing doors with his sword. Narissa claims Giselle fainted as Robert and Nancy run to her aid. A remorseful Nathaniel appears and confesses to all that she was poisoned with his help. Narissa attempts to bewitch Edward, but Nathaniel restrains her. He reveals that if the spell is not broken before it is midnight, Giselle will die. Robert remembers true love's kiss and Edward tries to revive Giselle with it, but it doesn't work. He is alarmed, for Giselle's sake, but then realizes that Robert might be her true love, and asks him to try the kiss. He hesitates at first, as he has only known her for a few days and does not know how he could be her true love, but at Nancy's encouragement, he kisses her. Giselle awakens and embraces Robert, but Narissa uses the distracting moment to break free. She transforms into a dragon, declaring that she is going to kill them all. She plans to start with Giselle but Robert intervenes and is promptly seized. Narissa snatches Robert and lures Giselle to the top of the building. Giselle chases Narissa up the building, wielding Edward's sword, as Edward releases Pip to help her. With help from Pip, the dragon falls from the roof, and Giselle uses the sword to stop Robert from falling to his death. Narissa tries to transform back into a human, but crashes onto a rooftop before she can complete the spell and dissolves into glitter on the pavement. Giselle and Robert still almost fall off, but manage to catch themselves at the last second, and they kiss on the roof. Nancy leaves with Edward to Andalasia and they get married. Robert and Giselle, now married, open up a boutique, where they are assisted by both humans and animals. Both Nathaniel and Pip become successful authors in the modern world and Andalasia respectively. The last scene shows Giselle, Robert and Morgan playing together and living happily ever after as a family.
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