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(2008-05-12 18:31:07) 下一個

星期五 (05232008)

US Home Sales Drop (美國房屋銷售量下滑)

Home sales in the United States dropped between April and March, evidence that the housing market's problems are not over.

Today's (Friday's) report from a business group (The National Association of Realtors) says sales of previously-owned homes fell one percent in March.

That pushed the sales of homes down to an annual rate of just under four-point-nine million units. The same report says the median sales price for a home fell eight percent from the same period last year.

Sales of previously-owned homes are the largest part of the housing market. Sales of newly-constructed homes will be reported next week.

Problems in the housing market are one key reason for the current economic slowdown in the United States.






Swiss Climber Dies After Climbing Everest

A Swiss climber has died from exhaustion after making it to the top of Mount Everest.

Fellow climbers say 44-year-old Gianni Goltz had scaled the nearly nine-thousand-meter-high mountain without the aid of bottled oxygen.

Climbing to the top of Mount Everest without additional oxygen is considered risky because of the very thin air, which makes it hard to breath.

News of the death came shortly after officials announced that a veteran Sherpa guide climbed to the top of Mount Everest for a record 18th time Thursday.





星期四 (05222008)

Taiwan's President 'Hopes to Resume Negotiations With China'

In Taipei, President Ma Ying-jeou says Taiwan and China have a historic opportunity to improve relations, and that he hopes the island and the mainland can build up mutual trust through expanded ties. Mr. Ma welcomed Beijing's warm reaction today (Thursday) to his inaugural address this week, in which he promised to pursue cross-Strait ties and regional stability.

China's top official on Taiwan affairs, Chen Yunlin, says that just two days after Mr. Ma was sworn into office, there are already positive efforts at reconciliation. Mr. Chen's comments during a speech in the Chinese capital have been republished on the Internet by the State Council, China's Cabinet.

The head of Taiwan's ruling Nationalist Party is scheduled to visit the mainland in the coming days.




China Denies Zimbabwe Received Weapons Shipment

China is denying reports that a shipment of weapons meant for Zimbabwe's government has reached Zimbabwe. A Foreign Ministry spokesman in Beijing (Qin Gang) today (Thursday) rejected southern African media reports that said the arms have been delivered to Harare.

The reports from South Africa and Mozambique said the cargo -- consisting of bullets, grenades, and mortar shells -- was unloaded in either Angola or the Republic of Congo and then flown to Zimbabwe.

The Chinese spokesman says the reports are completely false, and that the weapons are being carried back to China on the ship that was to have delivered them.

The ship (the An Yue Jiang) was refused permission to unload in South Africa because of concern the weapons would be used against opponents of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe.





星期三 (05212008)

China to Relocate Devastated Quake City

Chinese officials say they will move and completely rebuild one of the towns worst hit by last week's powerful earthquake in Sichuan province. China's official state-run news agency today (Wednesday) quotes local officials who say the (Qushan) town in Beichuan county, surrounded by steep hills, is no longer safe, and it should be relocated to flat land. The earthquake killed more than eight-thousand-600 people in that town alone, 

Xinhua says, and destroyed 70 percent of the buildings. News of the relocation plan comes as authorities are rushing emergency supplies and shelter to some five million people left

homeless by the earthquake. Although increasingly desperate, rescue efforts continue. Today, a woman was rescued from a tunnel at a power plant nine days after she was trapped during the seven-point-nine magnitude




Tibetan Government-in-Exile Calls for End to Anti-Chinese Protests

The Tibetan government-in-exile is calling for a temporary halt to protests against China in the wake of last week's deadly earthquake. In a statement released today (Wednesday) from its headquarters in Dharamsala, India, the government urges Tibetans to stop the demonstrations in front of Chinese embassies around the world "to express our solidarity" with the Chinese people.

The statement also asks Tibetans to send messages of condolences for the victims, raise funds for relief efforts and explore the possibilities of establishing "Sino-Tibetan friendship associations."

China has come under international criticism over its harsh crackdown on anti-government protesters in Tibet in March. Angry demonstrations in several cities marred the international torch relay for the upcoming Beijing Olympics.




星期二 (05202008)

Woman Rescued After Eight Days; China Quake Death Toll Tops 40,000

A Chinese woman has been rescued from the rubble in quake-struck Sichuan province, eight days after the country's massive earthquake hit, toppling buildings and leaving five million homeless. The official Xinhua news agency says the woman spent 195 hours under the rubble, but did not provide any other details. She is the second person to be rescued today, as hopes dim for those still trapped.

Chinese officials say the death toll has risen to more than 40-thousand, and warned that the final death total could be more than 50-thousand. As China continues to work to rescue those buried, its focus is increasingly shifting toward caring for survivors of the seven-point-nine magnitude quake.



Dalai Lama Begins 11-Day Visit to Britain

The Dalai Lama has begun an 11-day visit to Britain, where he will meet the country's prime minister and testify before a parliamentary committee on China's recent military crackdown in Tibet. The Tibetan spiritual leader arrived today (Tuesday) in London from Berlin, one of five cities he visited in Germany as part of his campaign for human rights.

The exiled monk will testify Thursday before a British parliamentary committee on foreign affairs. He will meet with Prime Minister Gordon Brown Friday at Lambeth Palace, the residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. The location of the meeting sparked controversy because it will not take place at 10 Downing Street, the prime minister's official residence. Some of Mr. Brown's critics say the decision to meet the Dalai Lama informally at the archbishop's residence was designed to appease China, which opposes the Dalai Lama's meetings with any foreign government official.



星期一 (05192008)

China Estimates Economic Losses from Quake Nearly $10 Billion in Sichuan

Chinese officials say direct economic losses from last week's earthquake could be as high as 10 billion dollars in Sichuan province alone. China's Ministry of Industry and Information says (today/Monday) the earthquake affected more than 14-thousand companies in Sichuan, and it projects their economic losses at nine-point-six billion dollars.

Independent estimates say China's overall economic losses from the quake could reach 20 billion dollars. Chinese officials say the earthquake destroyed more than 30-thousand hectares of grains and vegetables in Sichuan, the hardest hit area. The government is closely watching food prices, but does not expect damage from the quake to affect the cost of food nationwide.

Sichuan province produces six percent of China's grain and is an important region for rice, wheat, corn and other crops.




China Mourns Quake Dead

China came to a standstill for three minutes today (Monday) as the public mourned the over thirty thousands of victims of last Monday's powerful earthquake. Across the country, air raid sirens and car, train and ship horns blared at 2:28 p.m. (0628 UTC) to mark the exact time the seven-point-nine earthquake struck Sichuan province seven days ago, killing more than 34-thousand people.

Authorities expect the final death toll could be above 50-thousand. Today's three minute pause is part of three days of mourning for quake victims during which China has suspended the Olympic torch relay. Internet Web sites have also been ordered to shut down entertainment content, and public recreational activities have been canceled.

As China mourned today, the official Xinhua news agency reports that a mudslide in the disaster area buried more than 200 relief workers. No details were given.




星期五 (05162008)

China Is Allowing Foreign Search-and-Rescue Teams Into the Country

China is allowing foreign search-and-rescue teams into the country to assist in finding survivors from Monday's massive earthquake, as the rescue efforts reach a critical phase.

Several members of a Japanese rescue squad arrived in Sichuan province today (Friday), with several more due to arrive later. A group of Russian emergency personnel, including doctors, is on its way to China.

Beijing has also given permission for teams from South Korea and Singapore to come and assist the 130-thousand troops deployed in the affected areas.




Oil Prices Soar to New Record High

The price of crude oil soared to yet another record high in today's (Friday's) trading in New York. The price of a barrel of oil for future delivery went as high as 127 dollars, 43 cents a barrel.

The price hike follows declines in the value of the dollar, strong oil demand from China, and a prediction by experts at the Goldman Sachs investment bank that oil could rise to an average price of 141 dollars a barrel in the second half of this year.



星期四 (05152008)

China Says Quake Death Toll Could Top 50,000

China says nearly 400 dams and reservoirs near the epicenter of Monday's deadly earthquake were damaged, triggering new worries as Chinese officials warned today (Thursday) that the death toll could top 50-thousand.

The military is in a race against time to rescue tens of thousands believed buried beneath the rubble from Monday's quake. Officials in southwestern Sichuan province say the known death toll has risen to more than 19-thousand-500.

The official Xinhua news agency says troops have been sent to repair cracks in the Zipingpu Dam in Sichuan. China's water minister (Chen Lei) says there are major safety issues with dams, reservoirs, and hydropower stations in the earthquake zone.

The Chinese military has sent 130-thousand troops to Sichuan and deployed 101 more helicopters to airlift victims and drop emergency supplies to quake survivors.





Dalai Lama Arrives in Germany

The Dalai Lama called for real autonomy for Tibet as he arrived in Germany today (Thursday) on the first leg of a visit to several Western countries. The Tibetan spiritual leader will give lectures and meet with politicians while in Germany. But he will not meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is in Latin America.

Beijing insists Tibet is a part of China. A meeting between the Dalai Lama and Chancellor Merkel in Berlin last September strained relations between the two countries and led to Beijing canceling high-level contacts with German officials.

After landing in Frankfurt, the Dalai Lama criticized China's violent suppression of Tibetans following protests in Lhasa in March, which spread to neighboring provinces. He said Tibet is not seeking independence but autonomy within China.




星期三 (05142008)

Beijing Has First Fatality of Child Virus

Chinese health officials say the capital city Beijing has recorded its first death from an outbreak of a severe intestinal virus that has now killed 42 children nationwide. A 13-month-old boy from the city's Chaoyang District died Sunday while on the way to a hospital.

A spokeswoman for the Health Ministry says the boy tested positive for enterovirus 71, a severe form of hand, foot and mouth disease that can lead to high fever, paralysis and viral meningitis. The spokeswoman says another child died of the disease in a Beijing hospital, but the case will be recorded in the neighboring Hebei province, where the child resided.

More than 24-thousand cases of hand, foot and mouth disease have been reported this year. The majority of the casualties have been recorded in the eastern province of Anhui.




China Begins Airlifting Emergency Aid to Quake Victims

The Chinese military has begun airlifting emergency supplies to areas affected by Monday's devastating earthquake that has killed thousands of people. 

The official Xinhua news agency says seven military helicopters have delivered supplies to Wenchuan county, the epicenter of the seven-point-nine magnitude quake, and several surrounding counties.



星期二 (05132008)

Quake Disaster Won't Stop Olympic Torch Relay in Sichuan

The organizing committee for the Beijing Olympics says the torch relay for the 2008 Games will go on as planned in China's Sichuan province next month.

Speaking in Beijing today (Tuesday), a spokesman for the committee said the earthquake in Sichuan will not affect the relay because the quake-stricken areas are not along the route.

The epicenter of Monday's seven-point-nine magnitude earthquake was in Sichuan, and most of the confirmed deaths from the quake are in the province.

The Olympic torch relay continued today in the Chinese city of Longyan, in the province of Fujian. The torch is expected to reach Sichuan province next month, touring seven cities between June 15th to June 18th.





Some Chinese Pandas Near Center of Earthquake Zone Safe

Chinese officials say about 60 giant pandas at a Chengdu breeding center near the epicenter of Monday's devastating earthquake are safe. However, the official Xinhua news agency said today (Tuesday) that there was no immediate word on the status of the pandas at another research center near Wolong, also located in the disaster area.

Pandas are among the world's most endangered animals. The breeding centers are part of efforts to help ensure the survival of the species by breeding them to be released into the wild. Only about 16 hundred pandas live in the wild in China's mountainous west.



星期一 (05122008)

State Media: Chinese Quake Kills Between Three and Five Thousand

Chinese state media estimate that between three to five thousand people were killed in one single county today (Monday) when a powerful earthquake struck China's southwestern province of Sichuan. The official Xinhua news agency says that at least 10-thousand people are also feared injured in that same area, Sichuan's Beichuan county.

Reports also say that that nearly 900 students were buried when two primary schools collapsed but no details were provided and their fate is unknown.

Xinhua says there are 107 confirmed deaths in the provinces of Sichuan, Gansu, Yunnan and in the municipality of Chongqing.




China's Trade Surplus Down on Weaker Global Demand

China's trade surplus fell about one percent in April to a still robust 16-point-eight billion dollars as global demand weakened slightly. According to China's National Bureau of Statistics, the trade gap for April was much bigger than in February (13.4 billion dollars) and March (8.6 billion), but still well below last year's monthly figures that often exceeded 20 billion dollars.

China's growing trade gap with the 27-nation European Union and the United States is frequently a point of contention, as Western nations push Beijing to ease currency controls and lift import barriers.

China also announced today (Monday) that its inflation rate rose to eight-point-five percent in April, remaining near decade-high levels.




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