You with the sad eyes 你的目光憂鬱 Don't be discouraged 切莫失望 Oh I realize 我意識到 It's hard to take courage 鼓起勇氣實在不易 In a world full of people 在一個人滿為患的世界 You can lose sight of it all 你可能完全失去視力 And the darkness, inside you 你的內心幽暗 Can make you feel so small 會使你妄自菲薄
But I see your true colors 然而我看到你的本色 Shining through 流光溢彩光芒四射 I see your true colors 我看到你的本色 And that's why I love you 因此我才愛你 So don't be afraid to let them show 別怕讓他們展示 Your true colors 你的本色 True colors are beautiful, 本色精美絕倫 Like a rainbow 宛若彩虹一帶
Show me a smile then, 朝我綻放笑容 Don't be unhappy, can't remember 切莫憂傷,記不得 When I last saw you laughing 何時見你最後一笑 If this world makes you crazy 如果這個世界使你瘋狂 And you've taken all you can bear 那你就盡量忍耐 You call me up 盡管叫我 Because you know I'll be there 因為你知道我就在那裏
And I'll see your true colors 我要看你本色 Shining through 光芒四射 I see your true colors 我看到你本色 And that's why I love you 所以我才愛你 So don't be afraid to let them show 因此別怕讓他們展示 Your true colors 你的本色 True colors are beautiful, 本色美輪美奐 Like a rainbow 宛若彩虹一帶
[intru part]
So sad eyes 如此憂鬱的目光 Discouraged now 現在已灰心喪氣 Realize 意識到
When this world makes you crazy 當這個世界使你瘋狂 And you've taken all you can bear 你已經盡力忍耐 You call me up 你盡管叫我 Because you know I'll be there 因為你知道我就在那裏
And I'll see your true colors 我將看到你的本色 Shining through 光芒四射 I see your true colors 我看到你的本色 And that's why I love you 因此我才愛你 So don't be afraid to let them show 所以別怕讓他們展示 Your true colors 你的本色 True colors, true colors 本色,本色