A few months ago I had a dream. There were mountains of dead Chinese, and skulls and bones as far as the eye could see. It was dark outside and smoke and fog swirled about the bodies. And standing before me was a Chinese woman dressed in a hooded black robe. Her arm was out-stretched and she was pointing at the bodies. Behind me sat children of every race, taking notes and writing. The woman looked into my eyes, her sad white face the color of death. It was Iris Chang and she spoke 3 words: Remember the history.
一兩個月以前, 我,朗恩.約瑟夫做了一個夢. 夢中, 在視野內, 是堆積成山的中國人的屍骨中,周圍一片漆黑, 煙霧繚繞, 屍骨前站立著一個穿黑色長袍的中國女人, 她伸出手臂, 指著那些屍體, 在我的身後是一群來自各個種族的孩子們,忙著做記錄。穿黑色長袍的中國女人凝視著我,麵色慘白, 對我說了四個字:"銘記曆史。"我認得她的臉:張純如。
I first became interested in WWII as a child. I read hundreds of books on the subject because I wanted to understand how this great evil had almost taken over the world.
我從孩提時代開始就對第二次世界大戰的曆史產生了興趣. 為了對二戰中幾乎統治整個世界的邪惡勢力有更深入的理解, 我閱讀了很多關於二戰的書籍.
About 25 years ago I read a single paragraph about the Rape of Nanking. I realized immediately these atrocities were unique in the history of humanity. The Japanese had behaved like sadistic, insane devils from hell, burning, raping, bayonetting beheading and torturing almost 300,000 innocent Chinese. I began collecting information, photographs, thinking someday I would write a book. But then Iris Chang published her incredibly fascinating book and I decided her book was so good, I would do a movie instead. I called it:
大約25年以前, 我讀到了關於南京大屠殺的一段描寫, 我當時即刻意識到: 發生在南京的大屠殺是人類曆史上獨特的一個曆史事件. 那些日本軍人就像是來自地獄的虐待狂殺人狂, 燒殺搶奸, 無惡不作, 30萬中國人死於這次大屠殺中. 從那個時候開始, 我就有意識地收集和南京大屠殺有關的信息和圖片, 當時是想有一天也許會寫一本關於這個主題的書. 但是, 後來我讀了張純如的<南京暴行--被遺忘的大屠殺>之後, 我覺得她的書已經登峰造極,很難超越. 於是, 我決定製作一部紀錄片電影, 我給這部電影命名為<南京夢魘-南京大屠殺>, 然後在2006年, 我把這部電影免費提供給包括video.google, youtube.com, Baidu.com在內的無數網站, 免費讓全世界觀看電影的網絡版.
I am a scholar, a scientist, author, film-maker and I wanted to create a work art where scholarship becomes art; I wanted to speak to the head and, to the heart;and I combined horrific frightening images with great and wonderful music played by the greatest orchestras and musicians to make the audience think and feel a wide range of complex emotions. Many people cry when watching this film.
我是既是學者,科學家,又是寫作者,和電影製作人. 我想要創作的是一部學術和藝術相結合的作品. 我希望我的電影作品不光是讓觀眾頭腦清明(普及史實), 同時打動觀眾的心(傳遞感情), 因此, 我把那些令人震撼的恐怖影像和曆史上最好的樂隊演奏的最優秀最偉大的音樂結合在一起, 創造了<南京夢魘-南京大屠殺>, 希望達到既發人深思又讓觀眾從中體驗到寬廣而多層次的感情經曆. 很多人看完影片後都情不自禁地流下了眼淚.
For me, The Rape of Nanking is a symbol of Japanese Atrocities in Asia. My film was never supposed to be restricted to Nanking, but was meant to emphasize these atrocities occurred throughout Asia. The Rape of Nanking was not unique, but a symbol of the crimes committed by the Japanese against the Chinese and the entire world.
我認為, 南京大屠殺是日本在亞洲暴行的一個縮影, 我的想法一直都是不局限這部紀錄片於光描述南京境內的屠殺, 而是通過南京大屠殺來突現日本在整個亞洲進行的大屠殺. 南京大屠殺並非日軍在二戰中犯下的獨特或唯一的滔天罪行, 但是南京大屠殺的確是日本在全中國和整個世界進行屠殺的一個典型代表.
Over 4 million people have viewed or downloaded this film in the US,We estimate 10 million have seen it world-wide. It is ranked #9 "Most Discussed Films of All Time" at Youtube. The movie is an incredible success. It has had a world wide impact.
超過4百萬觀眾已經觀看或者下載了這部電影, 這還隻是在美國境內可統計的數據 , 我們推測在全球範圍至少有一千萬之多的觀眾. 在Youtube上麵, 這部電影被冠為"一直以來最熱門討論"影片排行第9名. 事實證明: <南京夢魘>取得了不可思議的巨大成功, 取得了世界範圍內的巨大影響.
Unfortunately, this incredibly popular film was a financial failure. We were locked out of China and the Chinese authorities even refused to allow us to sell the film on DVD.
American distributors also turned us down. Expenses were rising, the film could not pay for itself, I was losing money every month, and on top of all that I and this film were being attacked.
不幸的是, 這部流行得不可思議的紀錄片在財政上卻是一個失敗. 我們被封鎖在中國市場的大門之外, 中國當局甚至拒絕發行這部電影的DVD. 美國的發行商也拒絕發行這部電影的DVD. 同時, 成本還在繼續增加, <南京夢魘>無法自負盈虧, 我本人每個月都要不斷往這部電影裏投入更多資金, 投資像無底洞一樣,卻無法帶來成本回收. 就在麵臨這些財務困難的同時, 我,朗恩.約瑟夫個人和這部電影卻不斷遭到攻擊.
I felt alone, abandoned, under attack, I was losing money, and I decided to give up. From a business perspective giving up and removing the film from circulation, was the only rational decision.
當時,我感到被孤立, 被拋棄, 又遭到攻擊, 同時還在虧損更多的投資, 那時候我決定放棄, 這個放棄的決定完全是一個商業決定, 在那個時候,把電影從流通渠道完全撤下, 是最理性可行的決定.
When I wrote my letter stating my intention to withdraw the film, the last thing I expected was for that letter to be posted on the internet. I never expected to receive any donations. But later that day, I began receiving dozens of phone calls and e-mails from people begging me to save this film. Many were crying and in tears! To my astonishment, over a dozen of people had sent donations.
當我在2007年8月16號寫那封公開信宣布要把電影撤下的時候, 我根本沒有預料到這封信會被人轉載到因特網上. 我也根本沒有預料到會得到捐款和資助. 但是, 在公開信發出的當天, 我收到了數十個電話和電子郵件, 請求我把電影保留在網絡上. 很多人甚至在電話裏流著眼淚哭泣地請求我. 更讓我驚愕不已的是, 很快就有十幾個人開始捐款資助.
Within 3 days, I received over 500 letters and e-mails of support and over 1,000 Chinese had donated. The crisis were suddenly over and I posted a letter stating this: no further donations for this purposes were required.
在8月16號之後的3天時間裏, 我收到了超過500封郵件表示支持我的電影, 同時有超過1000個中國人捐款資助電影渡過危機. 我當時很快意識到, 電影麵臨的緊急危機已經得到解決, 於是我對外發布了聲明: 沒有必要再給電影捐款來解決危機了.
In total, over 1500 people donated over $50,000.00 in the US and another $5,000 in China to save this film and to support our efforts. Most of these donations were for $25.00 and came from poor students who believed so strongly in this film that many actually gave all the money they had left which in some cases was just a few dollars.
現在總計有1500位人士給電影捐資, 我們在美國接收到了超過5萬美元的捐款, 在中國的捐款總額是5000美元, 這些捐款是以挽救電影<南京夢魘>的危機和支持製片人的付出為目的. 這裏麵讓我感動的一個事實是: 大部分的捐款額是25美元, 這些寶貴的資助來自並不寬裕的學生, 他們對於<南京夢魘>的信仰是如此強烈,以至他們中的一些人是把自己僅有的一點餘錢捐獻出來支持這部電影的發展.
To these students and to all our supporters, I salute you! I am humbled and honored by your sacrifice and your support.
我要向這些學生和我們的所有支持者表達我的敬意! 你們的奉獻和支持真的讓我感動, 我倍感榮耀!
I pledge that this film will never come down from the internet. Perhaps as many as 10 million people have seen this film and millons more will continue to have the opportunity to watch this film for free, and to learn of the horrible atrocities committed by the Japanese against innocent Chinese and millions of other Asian people.
我可以保證<南京夢魘>將永遠保留在因特網上供全世界觀看. 如果加上無法統計的數據, 已經觀看這部影片的人多達一千萬, 以後, 還會有成千上萬的人有機會免費觀看<南京夢魘>, 從而了解日軍在二戰中隊對無辜的中國百姓以及上百萬的亞洲人民犯下的滔天罪行.
The film is saved, 1,500 Chinese have come forward to support our efforts and to support this film. I feel nothing but gratitude toward the Chinese people and I wish to thank every single one of you from the bottom of my heart. It is the support of the Chinese people which makes me feel all my efforts have been worthwhile.
<南京夢魘>被拯救了. 1500名中國人站出來支持了我們的付出,支持了這部電影. 我, 朗恩.約瑟夫對於這些中國人的感謝之情用任何言語表達都是不夠的. 我在此發自內心地感謝每一位支持者. 正是有了這些中國人的支持, 我感到我這些年來所有的付出和經曆的波折都是值得的.
I also offer forgiveness to all those who have wronged us and who have harmed this film. I accept the explanation that this harmful behavior was because of a misunderstanding, perhaps due to culture, language, and all the other difficulties that can occur when East meets West. I offer the hand of forgiveness and the hand of friendship even to those who have opposed us because of this "misunderstanding." We should cooperate and put our disagreements aside. Although we have our differences,
we share the same goal: preserving the history, and in this we must be united.
同時, 我在此也原諒所有曾經不公正地對待製片人或者是曾經傷害電影<南京夢魘>的個人和團體. 我寧願接受這個解釋: 也就是所有的傷害行為都是誤會造成的. 也許, 當東方世界遇到西方世界, 由於文化和語言的差異, 各種困難都有可能發生.
我在此也向所有曾經由於這個"誤會" 而反對過打擊過電影 <南京夢魘>的個人和團體伸出橄欖枝: 讓諒解和友情把我們團結在一起合作, 把我們的不同見解拋在一旁. 因為雖然我們有諸多不同之處, 但是我們的目標是一致的: 保存曆史. 就為了這個目標我們也應該團結在一起.
The 70th anniversary of the Rape of Nanking is this December.
2007年12月, 南京大屠殺發生70周年了.
We must not be confused by the enemies of truth. The Rape of Nanking is a symbol of the incredibly horrible atrocities committed by the Japanese whose crimes against humanity were so horrible they made the Nazis look civilized in comparison. We must not let our differences and disagreements overshadow the importance of preserving this history which is still unknown to much of the world.
我們不應該被真理的敵人攪亂步伐. 南京大屠殺是反人類的日本軍國主義者犯下的滔天罪行的一個象征, 日軍的罪行恐怖到令人難以置信, 恐怖到相比之下德國法西斯顯得相對文明. 我們不應該由於我們之間有不同見解和某些差別, 就讓保存史實的艱巨任務蒙上陰影, 要知道, 這個世界的大部分人還不知道這段慘絕人寰的曆史.
Iris Chang has spoken in a dream: Remember the history.
張純如在夢裏說: 銘記曆史.
Remember the history. The future of humanity depends on it, because: those who do not learn from the past, are condemned to repeat it.
銘記曆史. 未來的人類需要我們銘記曆史, 因為: 那些不從曆史中吸取教訓的人, 注定會重蹈覆轍.
Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.
"Nightmare in Nanking-Rape of Nanking"
Email: Nanking@RapeofNanking.info