

老爸和他的汽車的故事 - 原創

(2007-06-20 21:01:44) 下一個
To some, a car is merely a transportation mean, to others like my dad; a car is more like a friend, a buddy that one can trust. My dad have always joked with me that “if you sleep in the car then you’ll never be late for home.” He always has this passion for his cars that amuses me and the others. From time to time, we would tease him about it and he will tell us the little stories about his cars. The most interesting one that I could remember is the story that about my dad’s first car.

My dad’s first car was a 1980 Chevy Malibu. It was red and classy. My dad bought it from a nice couple when he first
came to the States in 1982. The car had a serious accident before although it was fixed but it always had little problems here and there. My dad was proud and excite to get a car at the time because the deal was very good and he didn’t have much money since he was getting his Doctoral degree and just got married and came to a foreign country all at once.

My dad had to work two jobs and go to school at the same time. He worked in supermarket in the day time, and delivered pizza during the night time when he didn’t have class. He totally relied on his Chevy because without the car he would not get anything done. After a year, my mom came to the States and they rent a small nice apartment together. In the morning my Dad would take my mom to her English classes and would pick her up in the afternoon.

During the weekends, my dad would take my mom to see a movie if they had spare money to spend. Moreover, he would wash his car and give it a spin afterward. My dad said that he always enjoyed washing his car because he loves to see his buddy to always be in a good mood. And this sometimes made me feel guilty because my dad also washes my car everytime he had the chance although he said that a man has to take care of his women to try to make me feel better. I guess that is why my mom married my dad at the first place even when he's ten years old than her.

My dad was glad to have a car like this because there are so many little problems with the car and that made him to understand more about the cars. Moreover, he got to know a lot of nice mechanic people because of that. They would teach him little tricks to fix the problems and maintain the car himself.

Finally the car had to break down in 1984. My dad said that the car cannot be fixed anymore and he had to let it go
-donated to a local charity. To my parents, it means that their "fairytale" life style had finally ended although they hadn't had much money but it was fun to have a car. Moreover, they were expecting a new life to the world so life without a car had becoming a burden to them. ;) ...

Nevertheless, my dad loved his first car and had a lot of fun with it. He said this car was a true friend that helped him out during his hardships.

*Please excuse me for any grammar or spelling errors because I have always been criticized for being a bad writer.

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