
我喜歡舞者那種自由自在、順其自然的感覺;更喜歡自己是舞師,精心雕琢自己的“作品”。希望自己不浮誇、不驕傲、不張狂,靜雅地品味人生。 其實,我們每個活在這世上的人都是一個跳舞的人。一直到生命的最後一刻,各種各樣的盼望、各種各樣的懺悔都會湧現出來。這就是我

Jazz Dance:Blue Suede Shoes 觀後感

(2007-06-18 21:55:28) 下一個
                                                                       Blue Suede Shoes 觀後感
和朋友一起去San Jose Center For Performing Arts 觀看了Ballet San Jose 的演出“Blue Suede Shoes”。非常喜歡,而且也吸收到好多新的舞蹈語言和知識。


Baker's Dozen 展現給大家一種輕鬆愉快而且充滿著青春氣息,尤其是它的隊形變化,在一種極其自然中變換著,如流水般流暢,讓我從中學到好多,真的是好舒服!

Blue Suede Shoes則是以三位男高中畢業生的經曆為素材,通過不同的時間和地點以及發生的事件演繹著他們的心路曆程。舞蹈演員們用他們優美的身姿和精湛的舞藝展現了High School;Hot Dog Drive-In;Graduation;In The Army;Highways And Lonely Streets:Saturday Night;Jail House;Rockin' Golden Goodies 主題鮮明,無論從編排上,舞美上,以及音樂,舞者的表現力上都是值得一看的。每一個場景都給我留下了精華之亮點。

High School中女校花出現的處理實在是妙不可言,她的昂首挺胸,目空一切全都建立在立起的芭蕾腳尖上,那群男生們的倒地雖然很誇張,很滑稽,但不失可愛和真實;還有女生們的妒嫉以及羨慕的矛盾心理活動也是表現的淋漓盡致:台階上高傲站立著的是那美豔動人的校花,舞台中部倒下的是一個男生方隊;而女生們則一字排開站在舞台的左側。整個畫麵排列的井然有序。

In The Army中的那段表演,男舞者的動作很瀟灑,編排的也很出色,不僅展示了軍營中男人的陽剛之氣,也不乏詼諧與搞笑。還有那段木偶戲也很生動形象。

Jail House裏那個女獄警,以及男囚犯的集體舞都很有特色。

當然這台演出也有讓我困惑和遺憾之處,比如,在Highways And Lonely Streets中的In The Ghetto這段中,我看見那個年輕人給無家可歸的人錢,後來一個小男孩隨著槍響倒在他的麵前,我以為他肯定會遇到麻煩,因為小男孩由於自己的過失而死,卻倒在那年輕人的懷裏,使他無法洗清自己的清白,但這前後發生的一切,那些流浪漢們都看得清清楚楚,他們一定會在法庭上作證為這心地善良的小夥子洗清冤情。但結果卻什麽都沒有了下文,這讓我覺得很納悶,既然給觀眾留下了懸念幹嘛又沒有了下文?那幹脆就不要有這一段的表現啊,好像被刪掉了,否則就好似很多餘。這是我不喜歡的地方之一。

另一個不喜歡的是最後那段Rockin' Golden Goodies ,場麵以及動作和隊形上都表現平平,而且還有點混亂感,尤其是作為結束段,應該將其編排的最為精彩,讓觀眾有著意猶未盡,流連忘返才好。可是我不但沒有這種感覺,反倒有著虎頭蛇尾的結論,不能不說是我的最大遺憾。

Jazz Dance
05.01 2007    

                                                             Blue Suede Shoes Review

A friend and I went to see Ballet San Jose's performance "Blue Suede Shoes" at the San Jose Performance Art Center. I liked it a lot, learning much dance language and knowledge.It's a great pleasure to enjoy Elvis Presley's songs throughout the performance.
Baker's Dozen presents a relaxing, joyful and youthful tone. Especially the combination can vary in a very natural and smooth way. It really feels enjoyable.
Blue Suede Shoes is a story of 3 high school graduates, what they experience and how they feel in a series of happenings in life. Dancers tell the story with their beautiful bodies, covering the topics: high school, hot dog drive-in, graduation, in the army, highways and lonely streets, Saturday night, jail house, and Rickin' Golden Goodies. Each scene has a clear theme. The choreography, dance action, music and dancer's interpretation are definitely worth the ticket. Each piece gives me quite an impression.

The high school sweet heart character is an interesting design. Her bright, high rise tip-toe pose with eyes above everything offers a sharp contrast to those followers lying on the ground. Though exaggerated and funny, it is cute and real. Other girls' jealous minds were also presented in details. Standing proud sweet heart up on the stairs, lying boys in the center of stage, and girls lined up on the left, constitute a balanced and ordered picture.
In the section In the Army, males dancers have clean moves from outstanding choreography. It presents masculine soldiership, yet full of wit and humor. In addition, the puppet show is vivid.

 I also like the the female police officer in Jail House and and group dance of those male criminals. They are unique.
Of course, there is something that confuses me and below expectation.For example, in the piece In The Ghetto, from Highways And Lonely Streets, a young man gave homeless persons money, and then a child fell in front of him on a gunshot. It seemed that homeless persons knew he was innocent, but no further story was told. It makes me feel that the such incomplete and unclear story is redundant.

Another part I don't quite like is the last piece Rockin' Golden Goodies. The choreography and combination are both unimpressive and even messy. As an ending dance, it should provide a climax in every aspect and leave the audience an insatiable feeling. The weak ending compared to the exciting start is really the biggest drawback of this program.

Overall speaking, however, I am very satisfied with this performance

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