搞個強的, Roth IRA > 401 >= 457 == IRA > 403 , 不頂不是好筒子
(2007-06-16 23:29:26)
美國的plan 掃盲, 請指頂!!!!!
搞個強的, Roth IRA > 401k >= 457 > IRA > 403 , 不頂不是好筒子
Roth IRA is after tax money, but grows tax-free and withdraw tax-free. However, rich tongzi might not be able to contribute. _(a)
401k usually comes with company credits. so it is free money. Grows tax-free, but withdraw with tax. For sure in the future I bet the tax rate can go higher. There are zillion ways to get more money. For example, raise tax base (and you may not notice), raise tax rate (easy to be found. _:$ ) . AMT,
457 is tax-deferred plan, but you can withdraw at any time without penalty. very easy to liquidate. the problem is that it depends on your state. In my state, there are very limited funds to be choose from. most of funds are Morningstar 3 stars or less. The company even charge 0.25% management fee for buying vanguard funds!. I bet the gov and the fund management company make money, or the person who signed the contract with the fund management company is very stupid!!!!
IRA is about the same as 403, but you can open any number of accounts with any brokers. lots of choices!
403 is tax-deferred plan, but you cannot withdraw before 59.5 without penalty.
這個是偶2年的研究結果. 請高手低手指教.