
就耽誤您五分鍾... (圖)

(2008-04-15 14:45:25) 下一個

美東部時間四月九日晚6點,CNN主持人Jack Cafferty 在 Wolf Blitzer 主持的 “The Situation Room” 中發表了侮辱中國人的無恥言論。他說“我認為他們(中國人)基本上還是五十年來的那群惡棍和暴徒。” (I think they\'re basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they\'ve been for the last 50 years.)

Youtube link

target=_blank>CNN s

如果您有一點時間, 而且對Cafferty的辱華言論感到憤慨, 請給FCC(美國聯邦傳播委員會 應該是這樣一官方名字吧? )發投訴信.

1. 到FCC網站:
美國聯邦傳播委員會 網站

2. 填上下列內容:
*(1) Date of Program:
April 09,2008
*(2) Time of Program:
*(3) Network:
*(4) Call Sign, Channel OR Frequency of the station on which you viewed or heard the material:
*(5) City and State Where Program Was Viewed/Heard:
Whatever city you live in
*(6) Name of Program or DJ/Personality/Song/Film:
“The Situation Room”/Cafferty

3.最後要填上您的投訴內容,下麵是一個範本(您需要做一定的改動, 使之符合您的感受)

I am truly stunned and shocked by the recent racist and hate remarks towards the Chinese people made by CNN news commentator Jack Cafferty. In “Situation Room” aired on April 9th, Cafferty charged the Chinese people with a highly despicable assault by saying, They (Chinese) are basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they have been in the past fifty years.

It is uncommon to witness such a blatant discrimination against an ethnic group of people with such a derogatory connotation in a national TV program. I believe Cafferty’s remarks clearly exposed his hatred and bigotry against the Chinese people as a whole. With no doubt, people from different ethnic backgrounds, especially the Chinese people, feel deeply hurt by this shameless assault.

Cafferty\'s hate remarks have been recorded and uploaded to Youtube. So far
the number of clicks is approaching tens of thousands. People from around the world have left comments condemning his malicious remarks.

I strongly urge FCC to take immediate actions against this CNN news commentator. I also demand an official apology from CNN to all people with Chinese origin.

完成以上項目就花了我五分鍾, 謝謝您的時間!

Legal Immigrant Association

中國外交部發言人 -- 嚴厲譴責CNN主持人

凡是投了信的, 有機會到芝加哥, 我請您在這著名的露天餐廳吃飯 (來之前別忘了先到U班那裏去領飯票...)

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