(2007-05-21 19:44:25)
最近空調開關出了問題。空調3,4檔運轉(冷,熱)正常。1,2檔似乎風速比前幾天要弱。最關鍵的問題是,即使開關放到 OFF 位置上,空調還會運轉(有風,製冷給暖也可以被調節)。在高速上的時候風速還比較大。
Question: 2004 Cadillac Deville 5.2 mileage: 40,000. I have a very strange electrical problem. The A/C blower fan continues to run at high speed even when the Air Conditioner / Heater control is turned off, and more importantly, even when the ignition switch is turned to the off position. Any suggestions?
Answer: The blower motor is controlled by a speed control module that is probably shorted on causing the blower to run all the time. Replacing it should fix your problem.
1。 不知道我的情況是否適用上麵的描述?
2。 如果是,我應該換blower motor 還是 speed control module? 從字麵理解是要換 speed control module?
3。 如果要換這兩樣中的一樣,我應該找 Mechanician 還是 electronician?
4. 大致價格?
5。 除了以上的情況,會不會是1,2檔保險絲熔化,接通了off檔?我該如何檢查?