

(2009-06-22 21:10:23) 下一個


Ammunition manufactured in the United States is among the finest in the world.  For intended defensive uses, the gun owner will not go wrong in selecting ammunition produced by the most widely recognized manufacturers.  These include CCI/Speer, Cor-Bon, Federal, Remington, and Winchester.    

Allow no margin for error in protecting one's life.  Avoid potentially unreliable ammunition that is hand loaded, re-loaded, or of dubious quality foreign manufacture when choosing defensive rounds.

In a self defense situation,  the application of superior force on your part to dissipate a life threatening encounter with a criminal aggressor will require use of a gun ideally chambered for a round that possesses the following characteristics:

  • As an absolute minimum, be capable of penetrating at least six to eight inches of bodily tissue.

  • As a preferred minimum, be capable of penetrating at least ten to twelve inches of bodily tissue.

  • As an absolute maximum, be capable of penetrating no more than eighteen inches of bodily tissue.

The rationale behind these criteria is discussed in depth in the Armory munitions room marked "Ammunition: Self Defense".  

Consider visiting the Armory munitions room "Handgun: Self Defense".  Information found in the discussion "Selection of Caliber" is pertinent to the evaluation of "best" defensive ammunition, and will provide additional insight into the discussion at hand.   To access this material, either link to the button at the top of that page or scroll down through the text.

In investigating the merits of various calibers and bullets for self defense, one will find that a considerable  range of opinion and personal preference exist.  This is to be expected, considering that the American gun community embraces fellow firearm enthusiasts with extremely varied backgrounds, tastes, insights and experiences.

As a generality, it appears as though two distinct schools of thought exist: cartridge performance preference based on real world shooting data ("one shot stop" statistics) and cartridge performance preference based on bullet penetration data (derived from shooting into ballistic gelatin, used to simulate human tissue).  Both sources of information form the basis of the discussion which follows.

It is not the purpose of this forum to debate the merits and limitations of the various data sources.  One will likely find that valuable guidance is to be obtained from each.  In fact, conclusions derived from these disparate methodologies often complement one another. 

Hence, it is not surprising that the "best" performers based on real world "one shot stop" shootings are also the calibers that tend to meet the preferred minimum penetration criteria established through empirical testing.

In evaluating ammunition performance information, it is suggested by the Armory that one not treat the "one shot stop" data as an absolute.  Rather, it may be more productive to compare the statistics for various calibers based on their "relative" performance to one another.

From the perspective of self defense, it is helpful to mentally categorize calibers as "very poor", "poor", "fair", "good", "very good", "better" and "best".  

Realize that such comparisons are both subjective as well as objective in nature, and are quite likely the subject of considerable discussion and debate among handgun aficionados. 

Within a chosen caliber, seek to use  ammunition that not only rates well in real world shootings, but, most importantly, functions reliably in one's  handgun (specifically, autoloaders).

Remember, however, that even a poor or fair caliber could be a life saver if the threat of force or actual force itself was applied at the right place and at the right time by the intended victim to dissipate a criminal assault.  Remember also the importance of proper, multiple shot placement when comparably weak calibers are used for personal protection.

Don't lose track of the "big picture".  Don't miss the forest for all those trees out there. What one is attempting to assess is the suitability of various self defense rounds in the context of one's personal need, abilities and life style.  This includes factors such as recoil tolerance, firearm familiarity, and gun operation, portability, accessibility and concealability.


Bullets come in a wide variety of shapes, metals, and multi-metal composites.  Bullet types commonly encountered in self-defense applications are summarized as follows:


FMJFull Metal Jacket.  The round-nosed bullet is enclosed on its top and sides in a hard metal jacket, usually consisting of an alloy of copper or occasionally mild steel.  The base of the bullet is open, exposing a lead core.  The bullet design is not conducive to either expansion or deformation.  According to terms of the Hague Convention of 1899, and subsequently the Geneva Convention, this is the only type of bullet permitted in small arms during warfare.  It is also referred to as "ball" ammunition.

Jacketed Hollow Point.  The bullet is constructed of a soft lead core enclosed in a hard metal jacket.  The top of the bullet has an opening in the jacket, exposing a hollow lead core.  Upon impact, the bullet is forced to open up and expand.  This results in less penetration, but greater tissue damage due to the larger diameter of the now expanded bullet.




Lead Hollow Point.  The bullet is similar to a JHP, but is constructed completely of lead and has no jacket.


Semi-Jacketed Hollow Point.  This bullet is similar to a JHP, but the jacket does not completely cover the lead core.  A small section of core at the top of the bullet is left exposed.  This older bullet design is still common in the .38 Special, .357 Magnum and .44 Magnum calibers.




Lead Round Nose




Lead Wadcutter.  The bullet is flat-nosed.


ecommendations regarding handgun ammunition for self defense follow:

Left to right are: .22, .25, .32, .380, 9mm, .357 SIG, .38, .357, .40, .45, & .223 caliber rounds

.22 LR (Long Rifle) Caliber:
One Shot Stopping Success:  21-34% (Actual)

Self Defense Rating: Poor

Recommended Cartridges:

CCI "Stinger"LHP32 grains34%
FederalLHP38 grains30%
WinchesterLHP37 grains29%
RemingtonLHP36 grains27%

In a perfect world, the intended victim would be relying on a caliber larger than the .22 for self defense.  In such a perfect world, why would one need to defend themselves in the first place?  Consider the .22 to be an imperfect solution to  a real world necessity, or put differently "something is better than nothing".  The diminutive .22 makes sense with citizens reluctant to pack or carry a larger caliber handgun.  Some fine .22 caliber pocket autoloaders exist, and 8- to 10-shot .22 caliber revolvers are extremely fun to shoot.  Use .22 LR ammunition only.

The recommended CCI "Stinger" will cycle reliably in the excellent Beretta 21A and Walther TPH pistols.  Remington's "Yellow Jacket", 33 grain cartridge will also work well.  The inexpensive Jennings J-22 pistol is more reliable when fed  LRN standard velocity ammunition.  Consider Winchester LRN, 40 grains, even though the one shot stopping success of this round is only 21%.

In a revolver, consider using Remington's "Viper" cartridge, which features a non-expanding truncated nose bullet.  This feature will tend to increase penetration and the potential for disrupting vital organs, arteries and blood vessels. 

Because ammunition is cheap, there exists no excuse for not developing required shooting skills.  Marksmanship is crucial with a .22 in a defensive situation, so practice drawing your firearm and rapidly peppering objects from ten to twenty-five feet away.  Cans, melons, and discarded bowling pins make ideal targets.  Bowling pins used to be free, but now a nominal cost is usually involved to obtain them.

The .22 autoloader must be kept free of gunk, dust, and grit to function reliably.  Make sure to keep the firearm meticulously clean and properly lubricated.  

Replace unused .22 ammunition in the magazine at least every six months or so because it tends to misfire when subjected to temperature and weather extremes over a period of time.


.22 Magnum Caliber: (.22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire; WMR)
One Shot Stopping Success:  40 -42 % (Theoretical)

Self Defense Rating: Poor

Recommended Cartridges:


WinchesterJHP40 grains
CCI +PJHP30 grains

Ruger makes a fine single action revolver capable of shooting both the .22 LR and .22 Magnum cartridges.  This is accomplished by means of interchangeable cylinders, each intended to accommodate the differing length cartridges.  The barrel of the gun is suited to either caliber since they are both .22.


.25 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) Caliber:
One Shot Stopping Success:  22-25% (Actual)

Self Defense Rating : Very Poor

Recommended Cartridges:


Winchester "XP"

JHP45 grains25%
WinchesterFMJ50 grains23%
FederalFMJ50 grains22%
RemingtonFMJ50 grains22%

Try the JHP round to see if it functions reliably in your auto- loading pistol.  The rule of thumb is to shoot 200 rounds without a jam as the test of reliability.  The JHP reportedly works well in Beretta 950 and 21A .25 caliber pistols.  The Walther TPH in .25 caliber should be loaded with FMJ.

The .25 ACP cartridge was developed as an alternative to the .22 LR for use in autoloading pistols.  The former, a center-fired cartridge, provides a degree of dependability not found in the .22 LR, which is a rim-fired cartridge.  

Which of these calibers of autoloading pistol should an individual consider purchasing for self-defense?  Neither.  Buy a .22 LR autoloader for fun because ammunition is inexpensive and the firearm will likely experience considerable use as a plinker.  For self defense, consider the .32 ACP to be the minimum acceptable caliber when deep concealment is an issue.


.32 ACP Caliber:  
One Shot Stopping Success:  50-63% (Actual)
Self Defense Rating: Fair
Recommended Cartridges:

Winchester "Silvertip"JHP60 grains63%
WinchesterFMJ71 grains50%


The Beretta .32 ACP "Tomcat", loaded with Winchester "Silvertip", 60 grains, is certainly a viable defensive concealable handgun.  It is enjoyable to shoot, a feature that encourages practice and, hence, proper shot placement during any potential encounter with a violent aggressor.  

Penetration can be expected to be in the range of 6 to 8 inches.

Most of the common .32 ACP autoloaders on the market are only reliable with FMJ.  These include Llama, Walther PP and PPK, Czech CZ-24 and CZ-70, Davis P-32, and Colt Pocket Model, among others.


.32 Smith & Wesson Long Caliber:
One Shot Stopping Success:  Data Not Available
Self Defense Rating: Poor
Recommended Cartridge:

Federal LW98 grains

This is an obsolete revolver caliber.


.380 ACP Caliber: (9 mm Short, 9 x 17 mm, 9 mm Kurz)
One Shot Stopping Success: 51-70% (Actual)
Self Defense Rating: Good
Recommended Cartridges:

Cor-Bon +P JHP90 grains70%
Federal "Hydra-Shok"JHP90 grains69%
FederalJHP90 grains69%
Winchester "Silvertip"JHP85grains61%
RemingtonJHP88 grains57%


The .380 ACP, or "three eighty auto", represents a higher level of self-protection insurance when compared to smaller calibers.  In fact, the top three recommended .380 ACP cartridges outperform the larger .38 Special when the latter is fired from a 2-inch snub nose revolver.  The "snubby" has a long history as a favorite concealment firearm of the law enforcement community.

Penetration  of the .380 ACP ranges from 8 to 10 inches.

The Cor-Bon +P, JHP is the most powerful .380 ACP round.  The Federal "Hydra-Shok" is the best standard pressure .380 ACP round.  These cartridges will feed reliably in the SIG/Sauer P230, Beretta 84/85/86, Browning BDA, Czech CZ-83, H&K P7K3, and Walther PPK and PPK/S.  Any problem incurred in feeding a Beretta can typically be cured by properly lubricating the gun. 

Makarov pistols of Russian, East German, Chinese, and Bulgarian manufacture will stand up to the potent Cor-Bon cartridge due to their all steel construction.  The round feeds reliably in these guns.  The Colt .380 ACP also performs well with the Cor-Bon round.

The Remington JHP, 88 grains, is the most reliable feeding cartridge due to the rounded shape of the bullet.  In the last decade, it was redesigned to provide deeper penetration.  Positive feeding can be expected in Colt Government Model .380, H&K HK4, Taurus PT-58, older Walther PP and PPK, Bersa .380, Beretta 70's, Makarov and Hungarian FEG.

A number of rounds recommended because of their proven ability to produce one shot stops may not feed reliably in some makes of handguns.  The Winchester Silvertip, JHP, works well in modern SIG/Sauers and Berettas of European design, but will tend to jam in handguns of American design.  Russian .380 Makarovs and the Walther PPK series handguns are also jam prone as well with this cartridge.

The truncated cone bullet nose profile of the Federal JHP, 90 grains, also may not be conducive to reliable feeding in many .380 autoloaders.

Stick to the top two recommended cartridges, Cor-Bon +P and Federal "Hydra-Shok".  If the firearm is subject to jamming with these rounds, switch to the Remington JHP.

Federal FMJ, 95 grains, has a 51% one shot stopping success.  This cartridge is well suited for use in the Davis P-380, Accu-Tek, EAA -380, Tanarmi, AMT/OMC/TDE "Backup", Heritage, FIE, Jennings, Bryco, Lorcin, Llama, and other low-priced handguns.  The JHP ammunition should never be considered for use in these firearms.


9 mm Makarov Caliber: (9 x 18 mm)
One Shot Stopping Success: Data Not Available
Self Defense Rating: Good
Recommended Cartridge:

Cor-Bon JHP95 grains

Cor-Bon manufactures the only JHP on the market for this caliber.  It is totally reliable in all East-Bloc pistols.


.38 Special Caliber:  2-inch Barrel
One Shot Stopping Success:  49-67% (Actual)
Self Defense Rating: Good
Recommended Cartridges:

Winchester +PLHP158 grains67%
Federal +PLHP158 grains66%
Federal +PJHP125 grains65%
Remington +PLHP158 grains65%
CCI +PJHP125 grains64%


Ammunition labeled +P (for extra pressure) should be used only in steel, aluminum and aluminum/scandium alloy framed revolvers approved by the manufacturer for such use.  Ultra high pressure loads, such as the Cor-Bon +P+,  JHP, 115 grains, should be used only in extremely sturdy revolvers such as the Ruger SP101.

Standard pressure (non +P) rounds are suited for use in older aluminum frame snub nose revolvers such as the Smith & Wesson Model 38 Bodyguard, 642, 442, 37, or Colt Cobra.  Firing a few (less than 100) rounds of +P ammunition probably won't ruin the gun, but extended use of +P cartridges will cause some damage.

Recent advances in metalurgy have allowed Smith & Wesson to introduce a new generation of snubbies that are perfectly capable of accommodating +P ammunition.  These include the "Airlite" aluminum/scandium alloy framed models, which feature light weight titanium cylinders.  The "Airweight" models utilize aluminum frames with steel cylinders and barrels.  These also feature +P capability.  Some newer model steel framed snub nose revolvers have been designed to feed the potent .357 Magnum cartridge (hence  the .38 Special +P and the standard pressure .38 Special).

Accuracy with a light weight snubby is extremely susceptible to the unpleasant blast and kick produced by +P ammunition.  The gun is much more controllable in rapid fire with standard pressure rounds.  Acceptable ammunition includes the Federal "Nyclad", LHP, 125 grains, which was designed to expand at lower velocities, and the Winchester "Silvertip", JHP, 110 grains.

The ability to control a snub nose revolver is greatly improved by the addition of after market rubber grips to replace the wooden factory grips. 


.38 Special Caliber:  4-inch Barrel
One Shot Stopping Success:  51-83 % (Actual)
Self Defense Rating: Very Good
Recommended Cartridges:

Cor-Bon +P+JHP115 grains83%
Winchester +PLHP158 grains78%
Federal +PLHP158 grains77%
Federal +PJHP125 grains73%
Remington +PSJHP125 grains73%
Winchester +P+JHP110 grains71%
CCI +PJHP125 grains70%
Remington +P LHP158 grains69%


Surprising, the very high pressure Cor-Bon produces less felt recoil and muzzle flip when compared to the second-ranked recommended cartridge.  However, it should be used only in modern 6-shot revolvers.

The 158 grain recommendations are known as the "FBI" or "Chicago" loads.  They are proven manstoppers, about on par with .45 caliber ball.  All fixed sight .38 Special revolvers are regulated at the factory to shoot point-of-aim with this load.  Lighter grained bullets will tend to shoot lower.

For practice, it is economical to shoot CCI  JHP, 158 grains, in the inexpensive aluminum-cased "Blazer" line.  This round duplicates the ballistics and recoil of the FBI load without fouling the handgun barrel with lead deposits, which are extremely difficult to remove during cleaning.

The admonition concerning +P ammunition is again reiterated:  restrict the use of +P loads to steel framed .38 Special revolvers only, or the newer Smith & Wesson "Airlite" or "Airweight" models certified for +P use.  Use standard pressure loads in older aluminum-framed revolvers.  Shooting less than 50 rounds of +P ammunition in an older aluminum framed revolver probably won't hurt it.  Shooting more than 100 probably will.

Why not practice with standard pressure loads, and carry +P ammunition when packing it for self-defense?   The kick of a +P round is severe, and inhibits accurate repeat shots.  With standard pressure ammunition, proper shot placement and rapid delivery of subsequent hits is enhanced. 

The best standard pressure .38 Special load is the Federal "Nyclad", LHP, 125 grains.  This round is known as the "Chief's Special" load.  The Winchester "Silvertip", JHP, 110 grains, is another acceptable standard pressure .38 Special cartridge.

Penetration of .38 Special rounds can be expected to be on the order of 8 to 10 inches.


9 mm Parabellum Caliber: (9 mm Lugar, 9 mm NATO, 9 x 19 mm, 9 mm)
One Shot Stopping Success:  63-91% (Actual)
Self Defense Rating: Better
Recommended Cartridges:

Cor-Bon +PJHP115 grains91%
Federal +P+JHP115 grains 90%
Winchester +P+JHP115 grains90%
Remington +P+JHP115 grains89%
Federal "Hydra-Shok" +P+JHP124 grains86%
Federal "Nyclad"LHP124 grains84%
Winchester "Silvertip"JHP115 grains83%
Federal JHP115 grains82%
Remington JHP115 grains81%
Federal "Hydra-Shok" JHP124 grains81%
CCI JHP115 grains79%


The 9 mm is the world's most popular pistol cartridge.  In FMJ, with a one shot stopping success of only 63%, the 9 mm is not a superlative manstopper.  Use ball ammunition for practice only.  Use JHP for self defense.  

The 9 mm cartridge exhibits penetration of 10 to 12 inches.

Ammunition for the 9 mm is available in three pressure classes: standard pressure, high pressure "+P", and ultra high pressure "+P+".  High and ultra high pressure rounds should be used only in newer handguns manufactured since approximately 1985.  It is best to use this ammunition sparingly. 

 The most powerful high pressure round, the Cor-Bon +P, JHP, 115 grains, is the best cartridge in 9 mm for self defense use due to its proven performance in real world aggressive encounters.  In older guns, however, it may either not cycle properly or be too powerful.  The best standard pressure cartridges are the Federal "Nyclad", LHP, 124 grains, and 115 grain, JHP ammunition produced by any of the top five manufacturers.

For modern guns that may jam with the Cor-Bon or Federal JHP, the Remington +P, JHP, 115 grains, may be a reliable alternative.   The standard pressure Remington JHP, 115 grains, is well suited for use in most older guns.

For optimum performance, it is recommended that one not use any 9 mm JHP or LHP ammunition that is heavier than 124 grains.  

The following 9 mm pistols are of extremely high quality and can be expected to reliably feed and accommodate 9 mm +P, JHP ammunition: SIG/Sauer P220 series; Czech CZ-75 and CZ-85; Walther P5, P5C, P88; Heckler and Koch USP and P7 series; Glocks (all); Rugers (all); Taurus PY-99, PT-92, and PT-92C; Steyr GB; Beretta 92 series; Browning BDM and Hi-Power (if "Portugal" is stamped on the slide); Smith & Wesson four-digit model number series; Smith & Wesson 900 series; Star M28, M30, M31; Firestar (all); Megastars (all); and Ultrastars (all).

High quality pistols that may not feed all JHP ammunition reliably include the following: Smith & Wesson three-and two-digit model number series; Heckler and Koch VP70 and P9S; Beretta "Brigadier" M1951; Interarms "Helwan"; Colt M2000 "All American"; Colt series 70 Government Model and series 70 Commander; Astra A-70, A-75, and A-100;  AMT "On Duty"; Daewoo; Bersa "Thunder 9"; EAA "Witness"; Other CZ-75 copies, including Tanfoglio, Tanarmi, and Springfield Armory P9;  Taurus PT-908; Walther P4; Star BK, BKM, Model B and "Super";  Browning Hi-Power (if "Portugal" is not stamped on the slide); Llama Model 82; and IMI "Jericho" and "Kareen".  Remington JHP, 115 grains, is the ammunition recommended for the foregoing pistols.

The following pistols should be loaded with ball ammunition to ensure reliable operation.  Winchester FMJ, 115 grains, which exhibits a 63% one shot stopping success, is recommended.   Walther P38, P4, or P1; Luger; Llama; Maverick; MKS Model JS; Intratec CAT-9, DC-9, KG-9;  SWD Cobray Model 11/9 and similar models;  Scarab Scorpion; Kimel AP-9; Bryco Jennings Model 59; KBI Hungarian pistols, including GKK, PJ9C, P9HK, and other "FEG" products; Norinco or Sportarms Chinese Tokarev pistols; Lahti; Radom; and MAB P15 and Model 1950.

The foregoing guidelines regarding ammunition selection for various makes and models of  9 mm pistols are based on the generalized reputation and performance of these particular firearms.  To see if a particular pistol will reliably feed JHP ammunition, it is advisable to fire at least 200 rounds of a selected JHP cartridge to properly ascertain a pistol's ability to properly cycle that round.


.38 Super Caliber:
One Shot Stopping Success: Data Not Available
Self Defense Rating: Very Good
Recommended Cartridges:

Cor-BonJHP115 or 124 grains
WinchesterJHP115 or 124 grains
RemingtonJHP115 or 124 grains

The Remington JHP may be the most reliable functioning cartridge in many pistols, particularly Colts and Colt M1911A1 copies produced by Springfield Armory and Auto-Ordnance. With JHP ammunition, the Llama tends to jam.  Use FMJ instead in 115 or 124 grains.


.357 SIG Caliber:
One Shot Stopping Success:  59-89% (Theoretical)
Self Defense Rating: Better
Recommended Cartridges:

Cor-Bon "Sierra"JHP115 grains89%
FederalJHP125 grains88%
Hornady "XTP" JHP124 grains87%
CCI "Gold Dot" JHP125 grains86%


This cartridge was developed to fill the same niche occupied by the .40 Smith & Wesson.


.357 Magnum Caliber:
One Shot Stopping Success:  68-96% (Actual)
Self Defense Rating: Best
Recommended Cartridges:


RemingtonJHP125 grains96%
FederalJHP125 grains96%
CCIJHP125 grains93%
FederalJHP110 grains90%
RemingtonSJHP110 grains89%
WinchesterJHP125 grains87%

The .357 Magnum, in Remington or Federal JHP, 125 grains, is unquestionably the most effective handgun cartridge in existence.  Its proven ability to produce one shot stops exceeds that of any other round, including more powerful cartridges such as the .41 Magnum and .44 Magnum.  

Penetration is 10 to 12 inches.

If there is any downside to using the .357 Magnum for self-defense, it would relate to the blast and kick of full power loads.  Controllability is extremely important in follow-up shot placement, and self-defense requires that shots be fired rapidly and accurately.

For those uncomfortable with the buck and roar of full-load .357 Magnum rounds, there exist a variety of lower recoil cartridges that are equally well suited to self defensive purposes.  Because the .357 Magnum is such an incredible manstopper, little is lost by "downgrading" to more temperate ammunition.  

The following cartridges are recommended for those who desire to reduce recoil of the .357 Magnum cartridge.  Rounds are listed in decreasing order of recoil severity:


Winchester "Silvertip"JHP145 grains85%
Remington "Golden Saber"JHP125 grains84%
FederalJHP110 grains90%
Remington "Medium Velocity"JHP125 grains83%
Cor-Bon JHP115 grainsNA

For 2.5-inch and 3-inch short-barreled Magnum revolvers, the last two recommended cartridges represent excellent self-defense rounds.  These cartridges are ideal for snub nose revolvers like the Smith & Wesson Models 66, 19, 65, and 13; the Colt King Cobra; the Ruger GP100 and especially the small frame Ruger SP101.  Ammunition manufactured by Remington, Federal, CCI or Winchester in JHP, 110 grains, is also a good choice for use in snubbies or by those sensitive to recoil.  

If recoil from a .357 Magnum revolver is still perceived to be excessive, considering carrying the .38 Special Cor-Bon +P+, JHP, 115 grains.  This lighter round packs plenty of stopping power (83%).  Its use may encourage accurate placement of multiple shots in a self defense situation due to its reduced kick when compared to the .357 Magnum.

Note that a .357 Magnum revolver can shoot both .357 and .38 Special ammunition.  A .38 Special revolver can only shoot .38 Special ammunition.

For those owners of a Taurus or Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum revolver that is still equipped with factory wooden grips, consider installing recoil-absorbing, ergonomic rubber grips.  The difference in control afforded by these grips is enormous, and greatly aids rapid and accurate shooting.

For self defense, never carry soft points, semi-wadcutters, or any 158 grain or 180 grain JHP ammunition.  These types of .357 Magnum cartridges are better suited to target shooting and hunting.  The kick of the heavier bullets is correspondingly severe, possibly inhibiting follow up shots and accuracy when used to defend against aggression.  

For practice, the all lead bullets are acceptable, but there are better choices, as the shooter will quickly discover when it is time to laboriously clean the lead fouling from the gun.  

When selecting .357 Magnum cartridges for self protection, an individual can't go wrong  by choosing JHP, 110 to 125 grains, made by any of the top five manufacturers.


.40 Smith & Wesson Caliber:
One Shot Stopping Success:  71-96%  (Actual)
Self Defense Rating: Best
Recommended Cartridges:

Cor-Bon "Nosler"JHP135 grains96%
FederalJHP155 grains94%
Remington "Golden Saber"JHP165 grains94%
Federal "Hydra-Shok"JHP155 grains93%
Cor-BonJHP150 grains92%
Winchester "Silvertip"JHP155 grains91%
Federal "Hydra-Shok"JHP180 grains89%
Cor-Bon +PJHP180 grains86%


This relatively new caliber is establishing an excellent record in real world shootings as a potent self defense round.  

Penetration can be expected to range from 10 to 12 inches.

  The lighter bullet choices in this caliber, manufactured by any of the top five producers, have the edge over the heavier 180 grain loads.  Recoil of the 135 to 155 grain rounds is also less.


10 mm Caliber:  Medium Velocity  (10 mm Light)
One Shot Stopping Success:  81-82%  (Actual)
Self Defense Rating: Very Good
Recommended Cartridges:


Winchester JHP180 grains82%
FederalJHP180 grains81%
Remington JHP180 grains81%

A relatively recent development from the late 1980's, the 10 mm cartridge did not live up to expectations. It hasn't turned out to be better than 9 mm, .40 S&W, or .45 ACP JHP ammunition.

This round is available in two power levels: medium velocity, used by the FBI, and "full house".  

Restrict self defense applications to the medium velocity cartridge, which exhibits penetration from 10 to 12 inches.

  As an alternative to the "proven" 180 grain load, consider using one of the lighter variants. 

Cor-Bon "Nosler"JHP135 grains
Federal "Hydra-Shok"JHP155 grains
FederalJHP155 grains


Full-house 10 mm rounds kick heavily, blow right through an assailant and are very hard on one's gun.  Their use is best left to hunting.


.41 Magnum Caliber:
One Shot Stopping Success:  74-89%  (Actual)
Self Defense Rating: Better
Recommended Cartridges:

Winchester "Silvertip"JHP175 grains89%
Winchester JHP210 grains82%
Remington JHP210 grains81%


The Winchester "Silvertip", JHP, 175 grains, is the proven choice for self defense in this hard kicking caliber.  Although not street proven yet, the Remington SJHP, 170 grains, may be worth investigating.


.44 Special Caliber:
One Shot Stopping Success:  65-75%  (Actual)
Self Defense Rating: Very Good
Recommended Cartridges:

Winchester "Silvertip"JHP200 grains75%
Federal LHP 200 grains73%


The Winchester "Silvertip", JHP, 200 grains, stands out as the best round in this caliber.  The Cor-Bon JHP, 180 grains, although unproven, may have merit.


.44 Magnum Caliber:
One Shot Stopping Success:  76-90%  (Actual)
Self Defense Rating: Better
Recommended Cartridges:

Winchester "Silvertip"JHP210 grains90%
Federal  JHPP 180 grains89%
Remington SJHP240 grains88%
Winchester JHP240 grains84%
Federal JHP 240 grains80%


The blast and kick of this powerful caliber make it less than optimal for self defense.  

Penetration is 12 to 14 inches.

  In addition to the top two recommended rounds, consider the Cor-Bon  JHP, 180 grains.

Keep in mind that a gun chambered for .44 Magnum is also capable to shooting the .44 Special.  The reverse is not applicable.


.45 ACP Caliber:
One Shot Stopping Success:  63-94%  (Actual)
Self Defense Rating: Best
Recommended Cartridges:

Federal "Hydra-Shok" JHP230 grains94%
Remington "Gold Sabre"  JHPP 230 grains93%
Cor-BonJHP185 grains92%
Remington +P  JHPP185 grains91%
CCI/Speer "Lawman" JHP200 grains88%
Federal JHP 185 grains87%


Penetration of .45 ACP is 10 to 12 inches.

The Federal "Hydra-Shok", JHP, 230 grains, gives the most stopping power in the potent .45 ACP caliber.  Another excellent load from Federal is the JHP, 185 grains.  This round is well suited to a compact, short-barreled .45 pistol like the Colt Officer's ACP or the S & W 4516.  It has lighter recoil than the Federal "Hydra-Shok", 230 grain, or CCI/Speer "Lawman", 200 grain bullets.  Because of its higher velocity, the Federal JHP, 185 grains, is more likely to expand out of a short 3.5-inch barrel.

The CCI/Speer "Lawman", also known as the "Inspector" or "Flying Ashtray", is a wide-mouth JHP bullet that may jam in some guns.  This round is totally reliable in newer pistols like the current production "enhanced" Colt 1911A1; the SIG/Sauer P220; Star M45, Firestar, and Megastar; Smith & Wesson .45 pistols (all); Para-Ordnance .45 pistols (all); Ruger .45 pistols (all); and the Smith & Wesson Model 625 revolver.

The Remington JHP, 185 grains, with a one shot stopping success of 81%, is the best choice for older pistols that may jam with other JHP ammunition.  This load is adapted to the Heckler and Koch P9S; Browning BDA; Springfield Armory M1911A1; AMT M1911A1; Thompson M1911A1; Llama; and Star PD.

The Cor-Bon and Remington +P, JHP, 185 grains, are very powerful, hard kicking rounds best left to the experienced shooter.  They are second only to the famed Federal "Hydra-Shok", 230 grains, for stopping power.  These two cartridges are also hard on a pistol, especially an aluminum framed pistol like the SIG/Sauer P220 or Colt Lightweight Commander.

The .45 ACP "hardball' load, FMJ, 230 grains, is the only ball ammunition in any caliber that should be considered for self defense.  Remington, Federal, and Winchester all manufacture this round.  One shot stopping success is 65%.  Don't compromise on reliability.  If your pistol can accommodate only ball ammunition, then load it only with ball.  The Llama, Federal Ordinance, AMT, and Auto-Ordnance M1911A1 copies often jam with anything but FMJ ammunition.  As previously suggested, try the Remington JHP, 185 grains.  If reliability is a problem, stick with FMJ.


.45 Colt Caliber:
One Shot Stopping Success: Data Not Available
Self Defense Rating: Very Good
Recommended Cartridges:

Cor-BonJHP200 grains
Winchester "Silvertip"JHP225 grains
FederalLHP 225 grains


For self defense, a good double action revolver is preferred to a single action cowboy or hunting gun.

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