

Democrats, time to ditch your lofty narrative

(2024-11-07 22:30:53) 下一個

I am a staunch leftist. In the last four years I have written dozens of articles on my blogging website to educate my Chinese-speaking readers about democracy and Trumps threat to it. They receive thousands of reads every day.

Today, I am speaking to you with the greatest trepidation and despair, like a passenger on the sinking Titanic.

In my eyes, America has started the transition into Orbns authoritarian Hungary. The only difference is that Hungary is surrounded by much bigger ships of democracy, which prevent it from sinking into the abyss where the ruins of Nazi Germany lie. But when the gigantic ship of America starts sinking, no other ship can pull it back; instead, they will all be dragged down into that abyss.

Trump is not at all the person to blame. Selfish psychopaths are always abundant. The party that handed America to him is you, the Democrats.

I have listened to the speeches by Pelosi, Biden, and Harris. To me, they are nothing but inspiring, uplifting, and righteous. I often got tears in my eyes. America has been dominated by this narrative, and anyone who speaks with the slightest tinge of racist or anti-LGBTQ tone is vilified by this narrative.

The problem is, this election has shown us that the silent majority of Americans are not like us. They are less educated and informed; their view of the world is more tribal than cosmopolitan, and they have more anger and fear. They dare not speak out their true thoughts, for fear of being lambasted and vilified by the dominant woke narrative. They feel that they have been deprived of the freedom of speech in their own country. They are right. Why should they be vilified when they speak out, especially when they are the majority?

Although they sometimes detest how extreme and degrading Trump has become, they find vindication in Trumps hateful, racist, and divisive narrative. To them, he is the only person, the hero and freedom fighter who dared to speak out for them. In comparison, The lofty tones of Pelosi, Biden, and Harris feel hollow and disconnected from reality to them.

Therefore, every condemnation you make of Trumps racist, sexist, hateful remarks feels to the silent majority like a condemnation of them.

That is why, although the Democrats policies are better than Trumps in every way, the silent majority still believes in Trump, because you, the lofty Democrats, have removed yourselves from the debate. They dont relate to you and dont trust you. To them, there is only one person talking, and that person is Trump.

You need to come down from your self-indulgent, self-righteous high moral ground, down to earth, and start to wholeheartedly empathize with the fears and anger of these people albeit silly at times. You need to start to talk in a down-to-earth language that resonates with them.

If you cant stop talking in a manner perceived by the right as woke, you will watch helplessly as Trump and his Schutzstaffel stir up and incite the less-educated and angrier majority more and more with hatred and lies, and you will be blamed by history as the ones who handed America to the new American Nazi Party.

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