中文名稱:海軍罪案調查處 第五季
英文名稱:NCIS Season 5
Mark Harmon 飾 Leroy Jethro Gibbs Michael Weatherly 飾 Anthony "Tony" Dinozzo David McCallum 飾 Donald "Ducky" Mallard Pauley Perrette 飾 Abby Sciuto Sean Murray 飾 Timothy McGee Cote de Pablo 飾 Ziva David Lauren Holly 飾 Jennifer "Jenny" Shepard地區:美國

【類 型】:動作 罪案 劇情
【影片長度】: 平均45分鍾
【集數】: 未知
【字幕】: 中文
不過有人離開就有人回來,第五季NCIS我們迎來了馬克·哈蒙(Mark Harmon)的回歸。這次他出演的還是那位勇敢的特工Leroy Jethro Gibbs,又一個燙手山竽,於是我們主角來到了位於沿海地區俄罪案現場。身穿一件準路軍的白T恤外加一件花尼夾克,一頭銀發這就是我們的主角帶著旁邊一個娃娃臉的特工Timothy McGee(或者叫Probie,由Sean Murray飾演)還有前任摩薩德組織成員Ziva David(由Cote de Pablo飾演)一起開始了沿河堤尋找所謂“死屍”的旅途。
那個男子的問題真是個好問題。藍天,海風,隨風細語著的棕櫚葉,這樣優美的環境可能隻會讓人想小憩一下,可是正是在這裏哈蒙努力著自己的事業。九周的空白並沒有使失去鎮靜,相反的,他在這裏,在這NCIS繼續著他的傳奇。“這裏很平靜”,哈蒙說道,一邊他還在他心愛的72年版Airstream首發版(一款概念車,也是哈蒙外出工作時的家)裏搜尋著他生活的碎片:散落的照片,書本,背包還有他作品的DVD(有《Comes a Horseman》,《Cool Hand Luke》)。“現在我們一般每天工作12個小時,我們都有自己的劇本,一切井井有條。過去我們一天工作16小時,不過即使如此也沒有人抱怨。在現場隻有劇本才是重要的,畢竟巧婦難為無米之炊。所以,這裏一切都很好”。
我們觀察現場,似乎在現場的每個人,所有的演員和工作人員,都有同樣的一個信念。出演驗屍官Donald "Ducky" Mallard的David McCallum說到:“這一季的NCIS會是全新的。由於管理層的變動,整個工作團隊被注入新的活力,大家的工作勁頭也會更上一層摟”。
管理層的變動,David指的就是鬧的沸沸揚揚的“NCIS之父”Don Bellisario離職一事,正是Don的努力才讓NCIS走過整整四季的風風雨雨。今年四月,《電視指南》(TV Guide)報道說Bellisario對細節的苛求和對劇本發放的疏忽讓劇組拍攝的進程一再受阻,這也使一向溫和的哈蒙難以忍受。幾周之後,就有報道聲稱Bellisario決定離開NCIS,畢竟他手頭還有像Magnum, P.I. and Quantum Leap這樣的熒屏經典。於是合作製片人Chas Floyd Johnson和前任劇本作者Shane Brennan(現在也使合作製片人之一)接手成為NCIS劇組新的管理層。“這一季一切都進行得十分順利”。
From Donald P. Bellisario, an acclaimed producer, comes "NCIS," a hit spin-off of "JAG," that brings us the inner workings of the government agency that investigates all crimes involving Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
Leading this team that operates outside of the military chain of command is NCIS Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs (Mark Harmon), a skilled investigator and interrogator who is smart, tough and willing to bend the rules to get the job done.
Working under Gibbs is Agent Anthony Dinozzo (Michael Weatherly), a former homicide detective who joined NCIS just a few years ago, but who has instincts that can come only from working on the streets.
Joining them is Agent Abby Sciuto (Pauley Perrette), a gifted forensic scientist whose dark wit matches her goth-style hair and clothes, and Dr. Donald "Ducky" Mallard (David McCallum), a medical examiner.
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, these special agents traverse the globe to investigate all crimes with Navy or Marine Corps ties.
Through season one a new character has been introduced -- special agent Tim McGee (Sean Murray, "The Random Years") whose computer skills will be a very big part of the NCIS team.
Special Agent Caitlin "Kate" Todd (Sasha Alexander, "Dawson's Creek"), a former United States Secret Service agent, has brought her intelligence and gutsy personality to the team through first 2 seasons, until during her duty in season two finale, when she was murdered by a terrorist.
In season three, the NCIS team welcomed Mossad Agent Ziva David (Cote de Pablo), who takes Kate's place in the team, and the NCIS team gets a new director, Jenny Shepard (Lauren Holly, "Picket Fences"). Both Cote and Lauren were recurring stars before they became regulars.
The title "NCIS," stands for Naval Criminal Investigative Service. The show was previously titled "Navy NCIS" during the first year.