
working on my thesis

(2007-04-26 15:19:26) 下一個
it is so hard to continue on my thesis. I feel so tired, and want to quit. I have spent about four years on my phd, but still don't know how far should I go to get it. my advisor doesn't help me at all. I am working on another professor's project. I work for him free and he seems doesn't want to spend time on giving any help to my work. whenever I ask for help, he will tell me that it is your project and you should do it yourself. However, he wants me to spend all the time I have on the project. This summer I will be working in a company as intern. He cares about how much time I will be spend on my work.This is contraversy. and I understand why.He cares about his project, but not my success. If I success, he gain, if I lose, he loses nothing.what a world!
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today'sflower 回複 悄悄話 I am leaving for my internship on Thursday. Hope I can have a wonderful time there.