推薦幾套孩子喜歡的益智玩具, 這些玩具小孩子比較喜歡,而且寓教於樂,在家裏或者旅行帶著打發時光都很不錯。我都是在amazon買的,內附我的使用心得和amazon link(多謝朋友幫忙做了簡短連接).
This preschooler variation of the old favorite Bingo is a real winner.
Zingo cards have a 3 by 3 grid that shows pictures and words. Cards have a yellow side (easier, for younger kids) and a red side for the odler ones. The plastic game piece dispenser is well-designed and fun to use. Players shout out to claim a piece, which is then placed over the appropriate square on the player's card. There are several play variations.
Excellent game for the younger set, and fun for older children and adults as well.
2。ThinkFun What's Gnu
A great way for younger players to practice their word recognition and spelling skills, this game is a fun confidence-builder. Players slide the 'Letter Getter' forward to reveal two letter tiles, and then use them to create three-letter words by filling in the blanks on their Word-Starter cards. The player who spells the greatest number of words wins.
3. Sequence for Kids
這個跟zingo有點類似。誰先拿到卡片排成4個一排的就贏。鍛煉孩子strategic thinking技巧。也可以讓孩子學習卡片上的單詞。難易程度自己可以調節(讓孩子拚寫單詞)。
Product Description
Play a card from your hand, place your chip on a corresponding character on the board...When you have 4 in a row, it's a SEQUENCE and you win! Use a UNICORN card to place your chip anywhere. Remove your opponent's chip with a DRAGON card.Have fun with you friends playing SEQUENCE®FOR KIDSTM!CONTENTS: Folding game board 42 playing cards 21 red, 21 yellow, 21 blue and 21 green playing chips Instructions2 to 4 Players, Ages 3 to 6.
4. sorry sliders
Product Description
New updates make this classic game even more exciting in this aim, slide and score target game. In SORRY! Sliders, you'll have a blast sliding and bumping someone back to start. But watch out -- it won't be so enjoyable when it happens to you! Modular game board provides four ways to play. For 1 to 4 players.
5. Rush Hour
這個rush hour是Think fun 品牌一個很popular的鍛煉strategic thinking的遊戲。很早以前就有人在這裏推薦過了。我跟風買了。確實很好玩,連大人都可以玩。蟲蟲比他爸都厲害多了。 難度隨著卡片數碼增大。
Product Description
Rush Hour is the mind-challenging game of pure bumper-to-bumper fun! Players set up the cars and trucks on a game grid to match one of forty color-coded challenge cards, and then try to maneuver the red car to escape the gridlock. Four levels of play range from beginner to expert. Measures 9"W x 8"H x 2.5"D.
6. Reader Rabbit

