

(2009-10-15 19:01:37) 下一個

Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom(Love) come,
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for
ever. Amen.



為先生的工作禱告,願你給他平安的心, 讓他的勞苦不僅帶來別人對他的好感,成功,而且也大大地充實他,如果他從事的不是你為他準備的,請向我們顯明,告訴他應該如何做。


感謝先生這麽多年為這個家的勞苦,讓我像天上的飛鳥般自由的飛翔, 從來沒有逼我出去工作。也沒有因為我跌倒多次而取笑我。


先生很想呆在家裏,讓我去工作。“ 讓我做你身後的男人, 好不好?”他溫柔問?

我用懷疑的眼神看著這個我愛慕多年的人: “你這麽相信我啊?”

“以你的學識,能力,你可以的, 我相信你!”


這麽大的一頂帽子,真是要戴, 也不容易啊。


年輕時的我心高氣傲, 修行了10 年,跌倒了很多次,說的好聽是挫折,說得通俗一些是,吃了一堆狗屎。  才學會謙卑,寬容。


閉關修煉了這麽多年,如果是時候劍要出鞘了,那麽,神,請你給我勇氣,智慧 和 祝福。 願你的意願在地上行。

也是時候不再給自己借口,以前我就是每天遊蕩,照顧孩子,覺得就是賺點小錢花花,也沒有去好好的完善商業的流程和係統。 當你沒有一個好的係統和流程的時候,你不可能有最大的商業利潤。 人沒有退路的時候, 人的潛能才是最大的發揮。



11/03, I finally finished a  60 pages long commercial lease contract. Praise the lord for giving me the patience for this whole year to nail the contract.
11/05/2009.  I got Mr.Fa signed the paper to show that he will pay me finder fee if I sold his restaurant.  Drove golf cart for the first time, and pray fro Big D's fever, pray he will not get swine flu.  My client decided not to buy the restaurant.

01/26/2010, Get the first commercial building sold by myself with the help of my boss.

02/09/2010 Office meeting with Craig and Tim.  Craig said 33% of the business from church, 33% from referral and 33% from internet.   ( we got the church directory from church 02/14/2010, we plan to do our target marketing.  Mr. Ray said his business come from one marketing plan, that is 1,000 newsletter per month).

02/15/2010, Signed up with RES.NET and REOTRANS and FARVV.

02/14/2010 Received updated church directory.

02/19/2010  Signed up Keystone Asset Management ( competing 4 agents).  & coast 2 coast REO

01/31/2010  Sold the first commercial property in a busy St Andrews Road

03/10/2010  Signed up  Titanium solutions

04/01/2010 Met Bobby with owner finance.

04/18/2010  Sold The pond property with owner finance.  DD finally slept in his room.  Praise the Lord

04/16-04/18/2010 Took mortgage license class.

04/45/2010. DD accepted Jesus in his life

04/26/2010 Renewed my realtor license

04/28/2010 Closed Professor's investment home.  ( which is almost mission impossible)

05/11/2010 Finally closed Ms Dong's house after one year of working, persistance paid off

05/16/2010 Went to Edgefield county court house to be the Chinese interprerater.

05/19/2010 Replaced the whole BMW cooling system and radiator with a bill around $1250, expensive toy.

06/05/2010 passed federal mortgage license exam.

06/10/2010-07/10/2010 China trip and went to Xian to see the Terra cotta warriors and Hangyanling.

07/27/2010 get the closing for the popes lane done. Everything needs to be in writing.  Need to learn to train a sales team.

08/25/2010 Went to NewYork with my friend to see Chinese herb doctor since I felt easy to get mad and frustrated.

Chinese doctor said I need good rest and my body's blood supply is not enough. He gave me 2 months worth of chinese herb. I need to see how it does? 08/27/2010, Get my first big commercial listing.
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