
一封家書 — 大學生活的一天

(2007-09-26 11:45:12) 下一個






1 上學路上

2 大學校園



Hi mom and dad,

msn is not working today, so I’m going to write you an email. First, I will tell you what I did today, then I’ll give you my address, then I’ll just talk about other stuff like weather and such.

So here's a detailed version of what I did today:

3 am = finish studying math, went to bed

9 am = wake up to go to math test

10:10 am = math test

11 am = finish math test. The teacher gave us the answers right after the test so we can see how we did. My friends all did pretty badly. I got 1 question wrong out of 7 questions, so I guess that's pretty bad too. We’ll see how the grade goes, because 6/7 could still be an A!

12 pm = I had a peanut butter and jelly bagel for lunch

1 pm = I went with a friend to staple flyers in Haas school of business. It’s my shift every week. and then I had to hand out fliers to students, it's also my shift every week

2 pm = study English and political science, I have 2 essays due on thursday. They are like the math test, really important. I haven’t started on them yet.

4 pm = went to the gym with a friend to run

4:30 pm = shower

5 pm = Asian Business Association meeting 1 + dinner

6:30 pm = Future Business Leaders of America meeting

8 pm = Asian Business Association meeting 2

10 pm = went to this girl's room to work on a flyer for the Asian Business Association. It’s really nice

11 pm = had a guy, who lives on the same floor on the girl and he is also on my committee for Asian Business Association, walk me back to my door. It was pretty late, and I didn't feel safe walking alone, so he's my friend and he walked me back.

12 pm = (now) I’m going to start working on my English and political science papers again until 4 in the morning.

Tomorrow morning I’m waking up at 11 to hand out more flyers and go to class at 12:30, my class ends at 3:30. And then I’ll work on my essays some more, run some more, and MAYBE go to sleep early if I’m done my essays. :)

Okay, my address is (省略......)

This week's weather is nice, as high as 27 degrees during the day, but it does get cold at night. but don't worry, I’m warm enough.

As you can see, I’m really busy until thursday night, because that's when I hand in all my papers and then I’m FREE! so I’ll talk to you on thursday night? :)

gnite mom and dad



美味老蟹 09/25/2007

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