


(2007-01-04 12:05:11) 下一個


Here are two important readings on preparation and raising of the kundalini.They are questions and answers:


“Q: Through my meditation, has the kundalini fire risen to the head or topof spine at base of skull? A: It has risen at times, but has not remained; elsethere would not be those periods of confusion. For, when this has arisen and isdisseminated properly through the seven centers of the body, it has purifiedthe body....”

問:在我的冥想中,昆達裏尼之火(拙火) 升至頭部還是脊椎頂的腦基部位?答:有時是升起了,但沒有保持住;否則就不會有困惑。因為當(拙火) 升起並正確地分布於身體的七個中心,就會淨化身體…”

“Q: How may I bring into activity my pineal and pituitary glands, as well asthe kundalini and other chakras, that I may attain to higher mental andspiritual powers? A: First so fill the mind with the ideal that it may vibratethroughout the whole of the mental being! Then, close the desires of thefleshly self to conditions about you. Meditate upon ‘Thy will WITH me.’ Feelthis. FILL all the centers of the body, from the lowest to the highest, withthis ideal; opening the centers by surrounding self first with thatconsciousness, ‘Not my will but Thine, O Lord, be done in and through me.’ Andthen, have that desire, that purpose, of not attaining without HIS direction --who is the Maker, the Giver of life and light; as it is indeed in Him that welive and move and have our being.”

問:我如何激活我的鬆果腺和腦下垂腺,還有拙火及其它脈輪,使得我能有更高的心智和靈性能力?答:首先使思想中的理想的振動彌漫於整個心智體!然後將身體的所有欲望屏棄至隻有理想存在。對你的意願與我同在 進行冥想;感覺它,讓這種理想充滿身體裏從下到上的所有中心; 通過將自我置放在這種意識的環繞下開方自己的中心:非吾之意願,主啊,而是禰的旨意,由吾或經由吾完成。然後不要持有任何沒有的指示的願望和目的。一定要有的指導:祂是締造者,是生命和光的給予者,在祂中我們活著、運動著、有了存在。

You get Cayce’s major idea in these readings. He teaches us to prepare toraise the spiritual forces in the body by setting and feeling a powerful,fully-penetrating ideal of God’s will, rather than our will, and to feel God’sdirection throughout the whole of our being as we open the centers and raisethe energy. As he said in an earlier reading, “There is nothing to be fearfulof, but keep the emotions better balanced.” So many people that I’ve talkedwith over the years of teaching meditation have expressed their fear of raisingthe kundalini and opening their spiritual centers. The teaching is: don’t raiseand open by yourself! That is rightly fearful. But do get in there and attuneself to God’s presence and then, in His/Her presence, open and allow thespiritual forces to flow. Here’s a wonderful reading on this:


“Indeed it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Yet,they that love His coming, they that walk in the cool of the evening, in theshadow of His precepts, shall be awakened to the great truth....”


Are there dangers? Yes. But most of them are before us always. As Caycepoints out: “Yourself is your greatest weakness, as yourself is your greateststrength.” If we seek to become fully conscious of God and one with God, thenwe have to get to work on cleansing, raising, and living the love and lightthat is God and on with controlling our willful, self-seeking desires. “Withthe opening of yourself to the vibrations, the emanations, you may be temptedby the desires of the flesh; yes, of the spirit of untruth. But hold fast tothat light which is your assurance of His presence with you!”

這危險嗎?是的。但我們總是在麵對這些。凱西指出過:你自我是自己的最多大弱點,同時也是你最大力量所在。如果我們尋求完全的上帝的意識,與神合一,那麽我們必須要通過控製自主的、自我朝向的欲望,著手於純潔、提升、活出神的愛和光。隨著將自我開放於(靈性) 振動和傳播,你會為肉體欲望所探試---是的,為無常之靈所探試。要緊盯那光---你與祂同在的保證。

After imbuing ourselves with the ideal of “God’s will be done,” Cayceinstructs us to get our bodies in order: properly assimilating nutrients neededto maintain high levels of life and eliminating wastes and toxins that build upin the system. He also directs us to exercise, even if it is just walking amile after dinner, and to get massages and adjustments to keep the fluids andelectrical energies flowing smoothly through the whole of our system. Hespecifically identifies three points along our spines through which there isthe activity of “the kundalini forces that act as suggestions to the spiritualforces for distribution through the seven centers of the body.” They are amongthe vertebrae and ganglia of the spine: 3rd cervical, 9th thoracic, and 4thlumbar. These need to be kept limber, open, and flowing. Get them massaged andadjusted, and do daily exercises to keep them fluid.


So important is the body’s condition that in some cases he actuallyrecommended not practicing deep meditation until the body’s health improved.


There are many other activities one can do in preparation for entering intothe temple and meeting God. Each of us should study and research them on ourown and select what works for us. See the meditation section of this web site.I go into more detail on these in chapters two through five of my bookSpiritual Breakthrough: Handbook to God-Consciousness. There are otherexcellent books available through A.R.E. Press. You may also attend a workshopat a regional program in your area or at a Virginia Beachheadquarters' program.


Seek within! You will find.


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