And each individual has the choice, which no one has the right to supersede--even God does not!
Edgar Cayce Reading 254-102
Nothing grows, nothing remains alone unless dead. A mind, a body that sits alone and considers the outside and never turning that within to the out, nor that without from within, soon finds drosses setting up in the system; for development is change. Change is the activity of knowledge from within. Learn to live! Then there is no death, save the transition, when desired.
Edgar Cayce Reading 900-465
An experience, then, is not only a happening, but what is the reaction in your own mind? What does it do to you to make your life, your habits, your relationships to others of a more helpful nature, with a more hopeful attitude?
These are the criterions for every individual's experience--sincerity of purpose, of desire; putting the whole law into effect in the activities--which is to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, thy mind, thy body, and thy neighbor as thyself.
This is the whole law. All the other things given or written are only the interpreting of same.
Then what does such a proclaiming preclude? From what basis is the reasoning drawn? What is the purpose of an individual experience of an entity or soul into the earth at any given period?
These answered then give a background for the interpreting of why.
Edgar Cayce Reading 1567-2
Whether in joy, in sorrow, in trouble or in pain, let that mind be in you as was in He that gave, "I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."
Edgar Cayce Reading 262-33