Electric power line the driving force that energizes a situation (900-158, A-2).
Elephant 1. power and might combined with heightened knowledge and cunning (341-15, A-3). 2. knowledge and power (900-90, A-1). Other possibilities: 1. sexuality. 2. the great Inner power of the unconscious. 3. strength of will. 4. long memory, unforgetting. 5. thick skinned.
Elevator changes, ups and downs (900-209, A-1; 900-241, A-1; 137-74, A-2). Other possibilities: altered states of consciousness.
Explosion 1. warning of turmoil or change (136-41). 2. harsh responses likely to come from others due to recent behaviors of dreamer (288-20). Other possibilities: 1. Impending health crisis. 2. something, which has been repressed coming to the surface.
Eye 1. one's outlook or vision (900-285, A-11; 900-308, A-4). 2. large eyes-an all-seeing, clairvoyant vision of things (137-45). Other possibilities: 1. Intelligence. 2. curiosity. 3. personal Identity (i.e., "I").