35. In that consciousness, then, the purposes for which each soul enters materiality are that it may become aware of its relationships to the Creative Forces or God; by the material manifestation of the things thought, said, DONE, in relation to its fellow man!
36. As the earth then occupies its three-dimensional phase of experience in our own solar system, and as each of those companions that are about the solar system represents as it were one of the phases of our conscience - the elements of our understanding - or our senses; then they each in their place, in their plane, bear a relationship to us, even as our desires for physical sustenance; that is: foods for the body; with all of the attributes, all of the abilities to take that we feed upon and turn it into elements for our body.
37. All of the elements are gathered from that upon which we have fed to build blood, bone, hair, nails; the sight, the hearing, the touching, the feelings, the expressions.
38. Why? Because these are QUICKENED by the presence of the spirit of the Creative force (within).
39. So our mind, with its attributes, gathers from that upon which we feed in our mental self; forming our concepts of our relationship with those things that are contrarywise to His biddings or in line with that Law which is all-inclusive; that is, the love of the Father, with our mind, our body, our soul, and our neighbor as self.
40. Then all of these influences astrological (as known or called) from without, bear witness - or ARE as innate influences upon our activity, our sojourn through any given experience. Not because we were born with the sun in this sign or that, nor because Jupiter or Mercury or Saturn or Uranus or Mars was rising or setting, but rather:
41. Because we were made for the purpose of being companions with Him, a little lower than the angels who behold His face ever yet as heirs, as joint heirs with Him who IS the Savior, the Way, then we have brought these about BECAUSE of our activities through our EXPERIENCES in those realms! Hence they bear witness by being IN certain positions - because of our activity, our sojourn in those environs, in relationships to the universal forces of activity.
42. Hence they bear witness of certain urges in us, not beyond our will but controlled by our will!
43. For as was given of old, there is each day set before us life and death, good and evil. We choose because of our natures. If our will were broken, if we were commanded to do this or that, or to become as an automaton, our individuality then would be lost and we would only be as in Him without conscience - CONSCIENCE - (consciousness) of being one with Him; with the abilities to choose for self!
44. For we CAN, as God, say Yea to this, Nay to that; we CAN order this or the other in our experience, by the very gifts that have been given or appointed unto our keeping. For we are indeed as laborers, co-laborers in the vineyard of the Lord - or of they that are fearful of His coming.
45. And we choose each day WHOM we will serve! And by the records in time and space, as we have moved through the realms of His kingdom, we have left our mark upon same.
46. Then they influence us, either directly or indirectly, in the manner as we have declared ourselves in favor of this or that influence in our material experience. And by the casting of our lot in this or that direction, we bring into our experience the influence in that manner.
47. For this entity, then, we find these as influences:
48. Venus - the beauty ye enjoy; the abilities that are a part of thy whole experience. The abilities of love, yet that have in a manner been denied thee when ye consider as to thy material surroundings, thy material undertakings; but in thy deeper self ye find these as a part of thy experience - apparently as yet never satisfied, or that thou hast loved, that thou hast taken to thy heart has been swept away from thee, taken to those influences or environs that to thee become as naught!
49. Then there must be through these very influences and channels an outlet, a manner in which these may find expression; which there is, in thy ability to WRITE BEAUTIFUL things that will act and react upon the minds and the hearts of others - those that may read, those that may make same to be a part of their experience by the very manner in which ye in loving care may show forth these in thy dealings with thy fellow man!
50. In Jupiter we find the benevolent influences. And as there is the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, which will appear in the coming fall - or about October the 13th should be one of or THE most glorious days, as a day, for thy experiences of wondrous things that may be an answer to thy longings in many directions; the knowledge of those very things that may bring the awareness, the consciousness of His abiding presence that is nigh unto thee ever!
51. In these ye may be favored with the greater comprehension.
52. As to thy experiences or appearances in the earth, thy sojourns among men - these have been, as indicated, beautiful in many manners, in many ways; and yet they seem so for naught in the present!
53. But drawing nigh unto the Father-God (within) ye may become more and more aware of thy purposes for being here. For His promise is to bring to thy remembrance all those things from the foundations of the earth!
54. Hence from the very activities these find expression in the present in thy love for history, historical subjects, things pertaining to influences brought because of the relationships of individuals to conditions and characters and places! These become in thy activities and in thy abilities but channels, means through which ye may bring some of that beauty, some of that joy that is in His promises to thee, and to thy fellow man in thy very activity!
55. Before this, then, we find the entity was in the land of the present nativity during those periods prior to and during what is known as the American Revolution.
56. For the entity then was among those peoples about that fort then called Dearborn, who overran the land or who prepared for the indwellings and homes for others in the land.
57. When the associates and companions of the entity then, as Mae Marandal, escaped and established dwellings in the hills (where there later became great orchards, above the hills of thy own present abode), the entity brought much to those peoples in the manner and the way of keeping the records. The entity brought much through the giving of the greater understanding as to how there might be the rotation of this or that in the activity to bring about conveniences in the experiences of the people.
58. And ye loved thy neighbors; they loved thee!
59. For oft many, many came to thee for counsel, for that thou had been able to give to thine own, to thine own household, to thy own neighborhood, to thy own surroundings!
60. And in the present, in the application of those abilities arising from that sojourn, ye may find the abilities to give to others; not to shut thyself in, either in body or mind, but OPEN thy heart, OPEN thy abilities to others!
61. Write - write - write! Though ye may tear up for a year, or for more than a year everything ye write giving expression to same, ye will find the abilities to bring into the experience and minds of others the joys that are not even comprehended in the present!
62. Before that we find the entity was in the Persian and Arabian land, during those periods when in the "city in the hills and the plains" that teacher Uhjltd made overtures to the experiences of men to put away their petty feelings, their petty hates, those things that made people afraid by the very power of might making right; realizing that the power of love makes right.
63. The entity was among the natives who were of the household of that Uhjltd, and an older - much older sister of the entity in the experience, in the name then Ujdelda.
64. With the establishing of the activities and the household being gathered about the entity, we find that this entity made for helpful activities with that teacher Uhjltd; and stood with the peoples against the rebellions that arose among a portion of the nomads during the early part of the activity.
65. Again during those periods when the Greeks and a portion of the peoples from the Persian land brought turmoils, the entity then aided in keeping that equilibrium - by what? The accounts of what had been the prices paid as it were by individuals, by those who had been cleansed in body and mind; not materially but mentally, spiritually!
66. Thus the beauty of such unfoldments made for experiences that brought joy and happiness to the entity in that sojourn - as it may in the applying of self in those directions associated with the activities in that experience; in spreading the gospel as it were of good tidings, by that same teacher; in being a portion of that group to aid in the publications of facts - not only of those things that may be gathered by self but that have been a part of the gatherings of others.
67. Before that we find the entity was in the Egyptian land, now called, when there were those activities being disseminated through the varied lands for which preparations had been made for or by individuals that might bring into the experience of material activity the greater means or manners of expression.
68. The entity then was among those who were in the activities of the
69. Thus the entity, as She-Lula-Or-Ar, made for the channels through which there arose the teachers who became especially fitted for activities or operations overseas, or the beginning of those that became the greater active upon the waves of the oceans and seas.
70. As to the abilities of the entity in the present, then:
71. Hold fast to that which is latent and may be so manifested in that love ye hold for those of princely, crowning glories in the experiences ye have enjoyed in the earth!
72. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman not ashamed; rightly divining - dividing - the words of truth, keeping thy own self in thy own good conscience unspotted from questionings within thy own self.
73. Write - WRITE - of Him; of those experiences of thy own!
74. And join thyself with those things being undertaken by thy brother-teacher of old!
75. Thus ye shall know peace and happiness HERE - NOW!
76. We are through for the present.
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