TEXT OF READING 480-20 F 23 (Hebrew)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 22nd day of July, 1935, in accordance with request made by the self, through Active Membership of her mother, Mrs. [601], in the Ass''n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Time of Reading 4:00 to 4:30 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., N.Y.
1.GC: Entity, [480]. Considering her past and present development, together with opportunities in this present life, you will advise her regarding her adjustment to the new life before her. You will answer the questions that may be asked regarding her coming marriage and information given in her Life Reading through these sources.
2. EC: Yes, we have the entity known as or called in the present [480], and the information that has been given through these channels respecting the physical, the mental and the attributes necessary for change in the spiritual or soul development.
凱西: 是的,我們有了這個現在叫作[480]的個體,以及通過這個管道給出的關於她生理,心理和靈性成長資訊。
3. In the approach, then, to those changes that are eminent in the mind of this entity in the present, well that all these conditions be taken into consideration; remembering ever as this:
4. Only counsel may be given, only those conditions that are as ideal without being idealistic, those conditions that are as necessary influences without there being other than the choice of the entity in making for the application of same in the experience.
5. For as the ways are chosen before thee, you each may find in the new associations and relations the ability to make the best conditions, the surroundings, the experiences that will bring into the experience of each that which will be the most helpful in the soul and development mentally of each; provided the adjustments are made in those directions, with the thought of that necessary in the experience of each to make for such.
6. As indicated, these will find that they are a complement one to another in a great many ways.
7. The natural tendency of the entity, [480], is to be the leader, the impelling influence. Do not let this, then, overshadow the abilities or the activities of the mate in ANY way or manner. [See 480-20, Par. R4.] This does not mean to become, from the mental or the material side, as subservient to his ideas; but let each give and take, knowing that this is to be a fifty-fifty proposition, with you each supplying that which is best within yourselves.
8. When the necessities are such as to require waiting and patience even, in those things that may at the time appear to be as negligence on the part of the one or the other, do not rail at such times or allow those things to become stumblingblocks; but always REASON well together.
9. In those things that pertain to the social life, be considerate one of the other. KNOW that there is the necessity of you each being as interested in the activities of the other as though they were a part and parcel and portion of yourselves. Not in a DEMANDING attitude, but you each living your own life, each having your own interests, each having your own responsibilities; and each supplying those necessary influences or forces in each association as to make for a harmonious cooperative activity in such social activities as may be had in every phase of the experience.
10. Let each budget the time. Let each give so much to the recreation for the body, for the mind, for the social activities, for the necessary activities for the supplying of the needs in their varied relationships. And be COOPERATIVE one with another in such things.
11. Let also there be time for the recuperative forces necessary in the experience, those that may be added as elements in the entertainment, the necessary forces for the adding to the EFFECTS of the abilities in all phases of human experience as correlated to the coordinating of the lives one with another.
12. The marital relationships, as we have indicated, will become an effectual, helpful experience in the life of the entity; as also in the life of the mate, if the coordinations of their activities in such relationships are made as to be sacred in their notions, their ideas, their activities being not for self-indulgences but as a union of that necessary for the creative forces and influences in the experiences of the life of each, as to bring the crowning influence to the experience of each.
13. In the establishing of the home, make it as that which may be the pattern of a heavenly home. Not as that set aside for only a place to sleep or to rest, but where not only self but all who enter there may feel, may experience, by the very vibrations that are set up by each in the sacredness of the home, a helpfulness, a HOPEFULNESS in the air ABOUT the home. As not only a place of rest, not only a place of recreation for the mind, not only a place as a haven for the bodies and minds of both but for all that may be as visitors or as guests. And remember those injunctions that have been in thine experience in many of thine sojourns, and be thou mindful of the entertaining of the guests; for some have entertained angels unawares. Make thine home, thine abode, where an angel would DESIRE to visit, where an angel would seek to be a guest. For it will bring the greater blessings, the greater glories, the greater contentment, the greater satisfaction; the glorious harmony of adjusting thyself and thy relationships one with another in making same ever harmonious. Do not begin with, "We will do it tomorrow - we will begin next week - we will make for such next year." Let that thou sowest in thy relationships day by day be the seeds of truth, of hope, that as they grow to fruition in thy relationships, as the days and the months and the years that are to come go by, they will grow into that garden of beauty that makes indeed for the home.
14. In EVERY association, whether one with another in thy relationships or with thy own friends, or with the strangers that enter, let thy activities be such that there may come more and more of that which is DIRECTED by the spirit of HOPEFULNESS, HELPFULNESS, in thy attitudes one to another.
15. And as these grow to the harvest in life, the LORD may give the increase.
16. If ye have builded such that hate, envy, malice, jealousy are the fruits of same, these can only bring dissension and strife and hardships. But if the seeds of truth and life are sown, then the fruition - as the life goes on together - will be in harmony. And He, the Father, being thy guide in all will bless thee, even as He has promised from the beginning. For in the fruit of thy bodies may many be blessed, [See 480-20, Par. R5] if ye will but seek that THROUGH the union of thy purposes, of thy desires, with their import in things spiritual, such may come to pass.
17. Not that the life is to be made long-faced, that no joy is to enter in! RATHER be ye JOYOUS in thy LIVING, in thine association, in thy activities, ever. For joy and happiness BEGET joy and happiness; unless the import be of a SELFISH nature.
18. But when doubts and fears and troubles arise (as they must, as they will in the experience of all), come ye rather together before the Throne of grace and mercy, as may be found in the meditation before the Lord. Take thine troubles to Him, not to thy fellow man! For HE is merciful when MAN may be unkind, jealous, hard-hearted, set, determined. But let thy yeas be yea in the Lord; let thy nays be nay in the Lord.
19. And in adjusting thyself in these ways and manners ye may bring to thine experience the greater glory of the Father in the earth.
20. Ready for questions.
21. (Q) In what former incarnation did I know [633]?
(A) These will be given in their proper order. [See 633-2, Life Rdg., on
22. (Q) What is our greatest purpose together in this life?
(A) Harmony!
23. (Q) How may I express and live up to the highest ideals in marriage?
(A) As has been indicated.
24. (Q) As my Life Reading [480-1] gave that I might attain to the best in this experience thru music or the play, how may I coordinate same with marriage and express the highest in both?
(A) For in the home is the music of what? As indicated, it is an emblem of the heavenly home. And as these are made into the harmonious experiences that may come in the associations, they may bring indeed the music of the spheres in the activities as one with another, and those that must be contacted in the highest of man's achievement in the earth - the HOME!
25. We are through for the present.
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