


(2006-06-25 23:32:11) 下一個

15. (Q) Has this entity yet karmic debts from previous life experiences to be met and paid off in regard to his immediate family? If so, briefly, of what nature and how best to be met with most benefit to them?



(A) No karmic debts from other sojourns or experiences enter in the present that may not be taken away in that, "Lord, have Thy ways with me. Use me as Thou seest fit that I may be one with Thee."


16. (Q) In the previous experiences given for this entity, his experiences seem to have been mostly in the economic fields. Why, then, has his present urge always been to express self through some form of art?



(A) Art and its higher meanings are meeting the economic influences in man in his every experience. That is easily seen by this entity, as it studies for the moment as to how that he has visualized God's glory in the earth and that man uses in his daily needs is but an expression of how those economic forces in the needs of the body of the man are blessed in their whole sense or terms.


Hence as the expression of this art in the soul of self to give expression to these very influences of nature itself that are the closest manifestations of the love of a merciful Father to a wayward son, it shows to the entity in his studies that these are but the expressions that may in their measures be meted to man in such a way and manner as may make him aware of the love of the Father. Not so much the obligation that man is to a merciful Father, but rather the privilege of the man in the presence of a merciful Father. Rather as the love of the man to the fellow man in the presence of Him who gives mercy and peace and life in all its phases in the experience of man, that he may but come to know His ways the better.


17. (Q) Had this entity any previous experiences on this earth during the Italian Renaissance Period, or during the Roman Period, and if so, briefly, in what periods and for what purpose?



(A) In both of these periods we find the activities of the entity, rather in the one in the expression of the physical forces of the body - in the Roman period - as in the gladiator's activity; while in the Renaissance we find rather the expression of self in - yes, some of the oils - Reese (?) - Reese (?) is a portion of that assigned - in one of the caves - now it's on a wall in - on a wall in a cave. These expressions were to give, as it were, the combination of all the periods into one.

答:我們發現此個體在這兩個時期都遊曆過:羅馬時期是與格鬥士(gladiator) 活動有關;而在文藝複興時期油彩(oils) 成為自我的表現形式---Reese的一個洞穴的牆壁上留有遺跡。這些經曆可合作一起講述。

For the moment turn thy mind, my brother, to what has been meant in the variations of manifestations in the flesh, and in the spirit or in the soul body in its sojourn in the environs of other spheres - where there are the manifestations, as has oft been pointed out, of one particular activity; that is, one enters for a specific activity in Mars, Mercury or Venus, and in Saturn for that cleansing that must come to all that have departed from the earth and have not kept the ways clean. But in the earth we find ALL rolled into one, with a body and a body-mind for self-expression.

在那時刻,我的兄弟,你將你的思想投入至色界,所有靈性或靈魂體在其它環境的遊曆經驗---無論在哪一階段的活動和表現,包括在火星的、水星的或是金星的、土星的(在那裏離開地球的未淨靈魂得到清洗)--- 都揉合成一:一個身體、一種思想以表現自我。

Hence, as has been given in regard to the appearances and their associations with the economic forces and influences in the experiences of a people, so has the influence in the present brought to thine experience the necessities of the activities in these directions; yet that may be expressed in this material plane, this earth's activity, by self in those visualizations, in those activities in the material things, in the meeting of the things in the daily activities of life, that may find expression in ALL of those things that may be found throughout the spheres. For, as has been given by Him, "Other sheep I have that are not of this fold," for they were on their journey that they, too, might come and hear His voice, from His children and His brethren that would make known His ways. What, ye ask again, are His ways? Just being kind, just being patient, just that as He gave, "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another, that ye love thy neighbor as thyself, that THOU would stand in thy neighbor's stead. Not to everyone that saith Lord, Lord, shall be called, but he that doeth the will of the Father." So in thine judgements, in the associations, he that doeth the will - or seeks to know the will, He may thy ways guide, He may thy acts manifested in His experience bring to the soul the knowledge of thy walks with thy God. Hence, as has been said, when thou prayest, let thy meditation be: "Use me, O God, as thou seest I may better serve thee; in my waking moments, in my walks and my dealings with my fellow man, be Thou the guide."


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