  • 博客訪問:


(2009-05-10 13:06:59) 下一個

下午,坐在我那隻有一麵西窗的小屋裏,西陽從百葉窗的條縫中,一絲一絲的漫了進來,折射在小屋四周的牆上,給整個小屋罩上一層朦朧的,柔和的光亮。 我坐在舒適的皮椅上,音響中流淌著由鋼琴彈奏出的美妙,輕柔,浪漫的旋律;眼前的視頻畫麵上不斷閃過的,是那一幅幅出自意大利名畫家pino之手的佳作,它們展示了那來自大自然的美,女性的美,母性的美。

母親節。我來來回回看了三遍這個作品,在觀賞中,我第一次感到自己不是在孤獨的體味,思索,而是在和另一個,我自己的心靈在對話,迫不及待地把對這的感受,告訴他。倘若在作品的扉頁上寫的“ impressionismo “ 在意大利語中代表的確是印象派的話,那這就是我平生第一次看懂了,平生第一次欣賞了,所謂的印象派的畫作。在這以前,不用說欣賞印象派的作品,就是連看我都不願意費時間去看,那東一抹,西一抹,粗細不均的筆道,那色彩好像特別誇張畫麵,我實在是接受不了。 但今天,在輕柔瀟灑的鋼琴曲陪伴中,麵對 Pino 的畫,我的心確實領受了畫家通過他的畫,所傳達出來的意境,美! 

我終於明白了為什麽我以前不能接受這類畫作,那是因為我的意識裏沒有那些生活中活潑跳躍的音符,那些輕柔浪漫的旋律。就像幾天前,我偶然看了一部關於越南百姓平常生活的記錄片,其中講述了怎樣把米一步一步地作成了我們在早茶中所見到的,用來卷羅卜糕的,那張薄薄的米餅,我才突然好像感覺出那米餅的香味一樣。以前,我從來沒吃出羅卜糕的米餅有什麽香味兒來! 人們總是說“要體味人生,要體味生活”,我總是感覺這話似是而非。大千世界,品類繁盛,不是什麽都能無條件,本能的,天生的體味出來的。很多得東西或者事物都是要在接受了一定的教育,掌握了一定的認知,在人的各個感官的協同配合下,大腦才能捕捉到那“體味”的一瞬間,這也可以稱作“靈感”吧? 從那就有了開始,並得以記憶到你的永遠。


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娓娓 回複 悄悄話 細膩感悟,美麗圖畫。周末好!
群思 回複 悄悄話 回複xxq2001的評論:天才!
xxq2001 回複 悄悄話 嗯,很有質感。 看看網上抄來的對畫家的介紹:

PINO - Italian artist, Pino Daeni's art and canvases elicit feelings of warmth, nostalgia, love and family. His paintings are often set on vibrantly sunny beaches, typically in the Mediterranean where he grew up. Pino (born Giuseppe Dangelico) is noted for his exceptional ability to capture the movements and expressions of his subjects - a talent which has brought his artwork a worldwide following and private commissions to do portraits.

Pino's alter ego, a young boy surrounded by beautiful women, (his sisters, aunts and cousins), is found in various states of emotion ranging from adoration to isolation. Many of Pino’s characters are frequently depicted inhabiting sensuous boudoirs or dressing rooms, in anticipation of their husband or lovers.

After establishing himself as a successful artist in his native land, Pino immigrated to the United States, seeking more artistic freedom and opportunity. He was soon discovered by the distinguished Borghi Gallery, which gave several exhibitions for him in New York and Boston.

Pino's early paintings featured soft romantic characters mostly women dressed in flowing skirts and dresses 。。。

Pino’s technique, his warm and exciting colors and the subtle, but simple approach to his subject, are the reasons why his original paintings, his hand-embellished limited edition serigraphs, and his giclées are sought-after by collectors throughout the art world.
