

How lucky I am!

(2005-01-08 12:53:35) 下一個

How Lucky I Am!


How lucky I am!

God has brought you to me.


I can't believe that,

I fell in love with you at first sight.

You are my best friend, even if we've only been together a few days.

We met for the first time in the virtual world!


And to my surprise,

I felt no fears when I first saw you,

But tears when you left me.


Time goes fast when I talk with you.

Roads get short when I walk with you.


Without you, there is rain all around me.

With you, I am full of happiness!


You are far from me now, but our hearts are linked.

I hope our love lives on forever without pain.



此篇寫於4年前,那時隻是一個夢想,憧憬著美麗的網上情緣,沒想到初來英國(2002年),網上巧遇,從此一發不可收拾,幾個小時的長談,幾天後異地真實相見,搞不清的情感,居然答應了他的求愛,這是送給他的第一篇情詩 (夢想成真?),但我堅信我那時是有點瘋了,那是冒險,我沒有對他一見鍾情,隻是覺得似曾相識,緣吧。。。

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