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1, 讚同和認可,覺得沒有孩子也可以有幸福人生,而且沒有孩子牽掛,旅遊等方麵的娛樂活動更加自由.
2, 不讚同,覺得有孩子人生更完整,更幸福.
有一個經典的成語,那就是: 觀念是主觀的,沒有辦法區分錯和對,隻有事實可以證明是錯還是對.
對生活方式的各種選擇,丁克還是孩子,少要孩子還是多要孩子,同性戀還是異性戀,都可以找到幸福和煩惱. 每個人都根據自己的需要去選擇人生,去尋求生活的幸福.
但這個事實是大家公認的: 丁克和同性戀沒有後代. 沒有後代的基因,沒有後代的種族是沒有未來的. 這些人可以在今生找到幸福,但未來世界不屬於他們的後代. (領養和人工受孕因為費用和難度,數量是非常小的)
抽煙有害健康是不爭的事實. 但抽煙是否幸福是個人的主觀觀念. 抽煙者選擇眼前的快感而放棄未來的健康,也是他們對幸福的定義.
生命是複雜的,也是脆弱的. 正常父母生育的孩子中會有一小部分成為同性戀,或成為不孕不育的(包括丁克),因此,希望自己基因順利延續的父母隻有生育出超過自己數量的孩子,才能有效的防範這方麵的危險,保障自己基因的穩定延續.
同樣,試圖說服丁克和同性戀改變生活也是不現實的. 我們應該注重的是教育年輕一代生命未來的重要性,避免那些本來可以選擇正常生活的青年走向斷子絕孫的不歸之路. 預防比治療有效得多. 把有限的時間和精力投入在預防,比用力抽打死馬要事半功倍得多.
個人人生就70-80年,而中國有記載的曆史就有5,000年.人類的未來可以是無限的. 為自己基因看得遠的群體才會成為叱吒宇宙的未來.
人生不易.我寧可領養一個孤兒也不願意製造一個生命. Doesn't matter what race she/he is, I rather help kids who need help. There are already too many children in this world, we don't need make more, just to help those kids who still live in poor, then our life can be meaningful as well.
Life is fragile and that's why we need more children to hedge risk. Life is like lion and gazelle in African Savanna. I grief the loss of loved ones, but the love for my children can overcome any hit in life. You need to be competitive to survive, and you need to have faith in your children that they can be more competitive than you. You need to have faith that each generation is stronger.
Again, how many children to have is your personal choice. More children will expand your genes is a fact. Expanding genes is good or bad is personal opinion, no right or wrong .
You are the lucky one I guess. In chinese standard, I was born with a sliver spoon in my mouth. Plus I had a very successful career in China. But fed up with pressure of getting married, I escaped to US and gave up everything I had. After years of hard work I made it and live happily ever after. Having a wealthy husband treats me like queen never upset me. I am living in dream most women desire.
However, I have wisdom to see better than others and being brutally honest.
Here is a human full life story. After you were born, you are arranged to study your ass off. Facing stiff competition. Finally you made to college. After college you searched for an ideal job. Bust you ass to build a career and make money. Afterwards you struggled to find a soul mate. 90% people are unable to achieve. You might end up a bad marriage, a cheating partner, financial crisis, health problem, job loss etc. Then your parents got sick you need to take care of them. You saw them suffer and pass away and there was nothing you could do. You did not choose to be born and yet you can not choose the way to die. I see death at very close range, it is a very painful journey. Unless you are lucky have a sudden death. It will take a decade to get over the grief if you have a heart. And then you are old and facing death yourself. Aging is not for sises, It is very tough.
I am describing a full life for those made it. there are so many others never have a chance to go to college, never see the world, never get married or never have a right spouse. Never have enough money to do things they want to do. Or born less fortunate have birth defect, less intelligent. Let me know if you want bring that on to someone else.
You need to find your rightful place in society. I felt life was miserable and unbearable when I was growing up in China. After I came to the U.S., life was full of hope. I found my home here. I have a very successful career, a very good family and I absolutely love my life.
Keep your hope up. If you work hard, life will be good.
On the other hand, if you don't like to work hard, then life is miserable and you might not to want to pass your genes down. In Africa Savanna, every day when the gazelle wakes up, he must worry about outrunning the fastest lion in order to survive another day. The lion too, must worry about outrunning the slowest gazelle in order to catch food to survive another day. Some of them feel tired and don't want to run hard, they die. This is called the survival of the fittest. Same for our human society. If people think life is too hard, then their gene might not be fit to pass down.