

going to Feeding with love baby program at LAMP,Dec.3,2012

(2012-12-19 11:59:11) 下一個
Today it was a review for all the information we have learned so far through a fun game.We were divided by three groups. Each group had 4 persons. Each group could pick a group name. Potato was our group name. The others two were named Banana and Apple. There were questions with different scores from 10 to 600 in four categories-Family,Nutrition,Time,and Location. Each group can pick a question whatever they like.If they answer the question correctly.Then they got the score.If not, then they got 0 scores.The one got highest scores would be the winner and got a prize for every member.We picked the first question was name two examples that eating with family on one table can better the family members relationship. It was a hard question. After discussed with our group members,we gave our answer-first is the eating together on one table can do better communication by talking,chatting to each other, second is that eating together with your family especially with your younger children can teach them the table manner, and set good example for them.The answers were correct. So we got 300 scores. The other groups got they right answers and scores as well. Our second question that we picked was that how many servings a pregnant woman need to have a day for the veggies and fruits. Our answers was 4 to 5 servings but unfortunately the answer was wrong. The right answer was 7 to 8 servings. Wow, we realized that we didn't have enough servings when we were pregnant. I think most women didn't have enough. Even most Canadians didn't have enough veggies and fruits in they daily basis. We consumed too much meat and protein products but lack of veggies and fruits that contains most fibres and vitamins.Another question we picked was that what none meat food captains more protein? Our answer were soy beans (tofu) and nuts. It was a correct answer but the egg was a good source of protein which was pointed out by our lecturer. The final scores our group got was 1100. We were the number two. The winner was Apple group whose score was 1400. The Banana group was 1000. So the winner got to choose their prizes. At the end, each member got one prize for their participation. I love this game, through the game, we can remember the information more and better. A good way of learning. And it was fun too.Next week will be the last time for this year before the holiday and the Xmas party.
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