

yard sales at James Bell school , May 26,2012

(2012-05-28 22:28:22) 下一個

Every year James Bell school in my area holds a big bake sales and yard sales.This year was no exception.


Jonas, Jane,me went there to have a look. Aaron pushed baby joined us later.


Many people were there,lots of good stuff there, we got something very good-a swing for baby, a toy house set and a farm set, a box full of story books,some very nice baby clothes,a few kids' games and puzzles, a pet club, a pair of very nice almost new ice skates for a little one. The yard sales is the best way to get baby stuff. Aaron complained I got too much stuff for baby.


For myself, I found some nice jewelry including necklaces and blacelets.Me and Jane were interested in all kinds of stuff.Jonas went to the back of the school for fun. There were BBQ,bake sales,games,fun activities there to attract kids.Everyone enjoyed the event.


We got too much stuff for baby now. She has everything to play with. Canada is really a heaven for kids.

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