

again we went to Square One Mom's club with baby March 14,2012

(2012-03-15 20:27:37) 下一個

Again,we went to Square One mom's club with Vivian and her baby Norah and por por.


We met new moms there. They were Nina and her six months old baby Nicole.Nina is a Yoga instructor,no wonder she already slim down after child birth and keeps herself very fit.She told me my baby look like her baby when she was around the same age. I can tell somehow they look alike. She is right.


Another new mom Sarah and her 40 days old baby girl.Her husband came with her as she couldn't handle the car seat herself.She had a c-section as well thus can not lift too much weight.I was the same just a little while ago.Now I am much better.


Then we met Feng Hua and her baby Mona,and her por por.Mona is three days older our babies. She sleeps sound in the stroller the whole period.


And again, we met with baby Yuan Yuan and her mom Josephine who we met last time.


And we met others moms and mom-to-be,that I couldn't remember their names.


This time,we didn't see our mom's club's organizer-Shirley Li and her baby Melody. Nina told me she went to another program to check out to see wheather it is good enough to introduce us to go.


This location will be closed in April. The mom's club will move to another location from April 18.The Chinese speaking mom's club who organized by Shirley and Vivian will continue to hold the moms together in the future even after graduate.


After the lecture, we hang out for a little bit longer in the mall with Josephine and Nina,then we went back to Vivian 's place for lunch. Por por cooked lots of food again-there were steam fish with dried vegie, stir fried vegie,pork meat fried with suzzichini,celery with peanuts cold dish and egg drop soup with tomatoes.


After lunch,I fed baby with another 120 cc milk.(she already had 120 cc when we was at the class).She was crying for tummy discomfort,maybe because she drank the cold milk earlier.I fed her some warm water,seems she was better after that.


Vivian's Norah was sleeping sound on Por Por's lap. She was doing very well today.


Vivian taught me and Por Por infant massage. She taught us legs and tummy parts for today. The rest will be for next time.For sure,I will use this new skill for baby Jessie.Thanks for Vivian's generous sharing her knowledge.


Also Vivian shared with me about baby's sign language. I think it is a neat thing to do with baby.Some simple signning e.g.milk,eat,sleep,etc are very useful for communication between baby and caregivers if we teach them well.


So many new things to learn about child raising. Parenting is a huge knowledge that we can learn forever. It is good to hang out with moms and always learning new things,and the socializing is good for our mood and emotional health.


Look forward to the activities that our mom's club hold in the future.



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