Planning to transfer to uiuc, GPA 3.76/4, is it good enough?
(2007-05-25 19:04:03)
大1結束了,成績在一個禮拜之前也下來了。這個semester上了java, cal3 and physics.都得了A, 雖然剛開始java給我帶來了點trouble, but in the end, i managed to get my A. It was not easy, i admit it。 一個學年,除了chem得個B其他的都得了A.
我現在在uic讀EE.但我做夢都想transfer到uiuc,b/c the EE program at UIUC is much better compare to UIC. 但我就不知道我的GPA夠不夠好。我現在在UIC的Honors program, I did volunteering work this semester and I am doing honors research and volunteering next semester. I am going to ask my professors to write me recommendation letters when school starts in fall. 還有沒有其他重要的東西我需要呢? 我真的是做夢都想轉到uiuc, 如果12月份的時候,我的transfer application沒有被accept, 我真不知道那時候我會怎麽樣。