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先看看無人機拍攝的愛潑斯坦小島的視頻。 當時在場的聯邦調查局特工故意打開窗戶,讓無人機拍攝島上"寺廟"內一張血淋淋的床。可以在下麵的視頻中大約2.11分鍾開始看。


從美國海軍情報網站Sorcha Faal獲悉,海軍潛水員在愛潑斯坦島附近的海底發現了兒童屍骨的殘骸這意味著戀童癖醜聞正準備從與未成年但已進入青春期的女孩發生性關係,轉向兒童祭祀儀式,其中許多兒童還未進入青春期。



Child Sacrifice, Pedophilia and the Global Banking System

Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard had reached the highest levels of the Illuminati, crashed national economies, bankrupt companies and was an expert at money laundering. As with most involved in international banking he was involved in a Satanic cult – until while at a party, he was asked to sacrifice a child. It was then he turned into a heroic whistleblower, exposing the dark secrets of our global financial system.

Just prior to his suspicious death Bernard did a series of TV interviews uncovering the Illuminati pyramid of power. He had a simple explanation of how it functioned: “They use child sacrifices to test and blackmail members.”


It was not surprising that Bernard didn’t survive after laying bare illegal activities of the international banking system. His Satanic group – the Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult – was powerful, complicated, centuries old, based on pedophilia and blackmail for political power, organized by the Vatican and funded by US taxpayer dollars funneled through the CIA, NASA, US Inc, Queen’s Bank of London and Vatican Bank to Central Banks across the globe, with activities enforced by various mafias who ran international child exploitation, kidnapping, murder, drug and gun running rings.

President Trump to the rescue. Trump was helping to take it all down by eliminating the Ninth Circle’s money flow. Since 1871 the private bankers had owned and controlled US Taxpayer’s funds. This month of March was expected to see the serious serving of over 74,000 sealed indictments, Military Tribunals and a US participation in a soon-to-be-implemented Global Currency Reset that would return tax dollars back for use of The People.

Haven’t heard about all this? Again, not surprising. The mainstream media has refused to cover anything labeled Illuminati or Satanic – perhaps because their owners were complicit?

And, don’t you get tired of the Mainstream Media’s negative view of our President? I do, but then perhaps I should understand that with 74,000 indictments about to be unsealed, some of them may just name Trump’s critics.

Unlike the Mainstream Media some in Congress weren’t afraid to speak the truth. In a Feb. 25 interview on Fox News Congressman Trey Gowdy confirmed that Military Tribunals were going on.


Actually President Trump’s secret rescue of ourselves from the Ninth Circle all started the morning of his inauguration when the president-elect paid a visit to CIA headquarters. There he declared a war on international Child Sex Trafficking. One of his first official acts as president was to put an Attorney General from Utah, Robert Huber, over 740 investigators, charging them to look into the vast problem.

Since then most of Huber’s over 74,000 indictments filed in federal courts across the nation were said to involve pedophilia, with perpetrators ranging from the general population to leaders in the Catholic Church, to Hollywood, to political and global elites (look for articles on Pedogate, Pizzagate, Pedowood). There have been many arrests and convictions, plus a few children rescued – most of which has gone unreported in the Mainstream Media. We really do have a problem there.

Evidently secret trials and tribunals have been going on in federal courts across the nation and at GITMO since Jan. 1. It was estimated that it would take around two years to prosecute the over 74,000 cases. There were so many pending that there wasn’t enough personnel to handle it all.

On a global scale Kevin Annett and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) have long been attacking child kidnapping, rape and murder of the Ninth Circle. The ITCCS’s protests and trials by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels (ICLCJ) have led to convictions of child kidnapping, rape and homicide against the likes of Queen Elizabeth and Popes Francis and Benedict, as well as other well-know figures known to be involved in the Ninth Circle. Pope Benedict’s Feb. 11 2013 conviction by six judges of the ICLCJ court was immediately followed by him stepping down as leader of the Catholic faith. See the history in these articles:


Like I said, the over 74,000 cases ranged from the general population to political elites, to the Catholic Church and on to Hollywood. “The Khazarian mafia pedophile blackmail network was being dismantled” Benjamin Fulford wrote. “First Trump targeted Harvey Weinstein, then Las Vegas casino king Steve Wynn (Weinberg), then CBS titan Les Moonves, and now billionaire New England Patriots owner Bob Kraft, and more. Last week’s defrocking of sex predator ex-Cardinal of D.C. Ted McCarrick was likely to be followed by the defrocking of convicted pedophile Cardinal George Pell, former head of the Vatican Bank.”

The Vatican was well known for it’s sex abuse problems and they weren’t about to go away. Nuns were speaking out as the Catholic Church headed for another Sex Abuse Scandal:


In Hollywood others like Home Alone star Macaulay Culkin were exposing Satanic Hollywood pedophiles. During the Academy Awards Culkin tweeted: “Rami Malex eats babies (Malex won Best Actor for Bohemian Rhapsody). There were 14 secret rapists in that room such as R. Kelly, Adam Levine and Keanu Reeves.”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PrXFlocDYU Operation Disclosure Compilations — Macaulay Culkin Exposes Big Names, Pedowood, Such Evil, Unstoppable Truth, Victimizing, Under the Radar, and More

Another regularly exposing pedophilia in Hollywood was a PEDOWOOD Facebook page:


The non-profit ENOUGH.ORG reported that just this past weekend three national news stories broke of well-known figures ensnarled in allegations of criminal sexual behavior:

On Friday, R&B singer R. Kelly was arrested and charged (https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/2019/02/22/r-kelly-indicted-10-charges-aggravated-child-sexual-abuse/2881779002/) with 10 counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse. The alleged sexual assaults dated back to 1998. Three of the victims were between the ages of 13 and 17 at the time of the alleged crimes.

New England Patriots owner Robert Krafthttps://www.patriots.com/team/front-office-roster/robert-kraft)was formally charged Monday with soliciting prostitution. The bust was part of a larger-scale Florida sex trafficking ring that has led to hundreds of arrest warrants.

The activities of wealthy, politically connected Florida financier Jeffrey Epstein were also back in the spotlight. The news (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jeffrey-epstein-plea-deal-justice-department-investigation-into-jeffrey-epsteins-sex-abuse-plea-deal/) this time revolved around his apparently light sentence after a 2008 plea deal secretly ended a federal sex-abuse investigation involving at least 40 teenage girls.

And the saga continued.



Timothy Charles Holmseth, 唯一可以從五角大樓直接接觸到現在已知的10000名軍隊"販賣兒童"特遣部隊的記者。他發表的一篇關於美國海軍陸戰隊領導,海豹突擊隊參與的,以拯救世界兒童而發生在d.u.m.b.的基地和地下隧道的秘密戰爭的文章鏈接:





美國前助理國務卿斯蒂夫皮哲尼克(Steve Pieczenik在2016年大選前實名揭露克林頓夫婦和世界戀童圈的關聯,並在2019年爆料說,愛潑斯坦實際是為以色列深層政府控製的情報機構摩薩德服務,而愛潑斯坦引誘政治人去島上孌童並拍照,幫助深層政府用勒索的手段控製政治人。

2019年出爐的司法部檢察官的報告提到,聯邦調查局的副總監寇曼(Randal Coleman)關於收繳的韋納(希拉裏的助手胡麻的先生)的電腦裏麵的文件內容的總結是:"希拉裏和基金,與兒童相關的犯罪"。想2016總統競選前夜,坊間瘋傳韋納電腦裏麵希拉裏與未成年人的錄像讓紐約市警察局的資深警員也狂吐不已。


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