Save $5 on any Pampers, Huggies or especially for baby Value box of diapers!
To participate, add eligible item(s) to your cart. Maximum discount of 3 per order.
Discount only applied to qualifying product and will be automatically calculated at the time of checkout. Offer valid only while supplies last and not applicable to canceled orders due to out-of-stock merchandise. Maximum discount of 3 per order. Order must be confirmed by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on March 24, 2007 to receive discount. Discount does not apply to previous orders, gift certificates, gift cards, taxes, shipping and handling charges, gift-wrapping or similar charges. Discount not applicable with returned merchandise; total discount will be deducted from the value of any returned item to which the discount applied. We reserve the right to cancel any order due to unauthorized, altered, or ineligible use of a discount.
運費一箱要7刀,所以好像隻有用google checkout再省10刀,才能算得上個deal. 現在隻有pampers,如果想買huggies,可以過幾天再上來看看有沒有。