laoyangdelp (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2016-12-30 10:49:52) 下一個

今年當別人家的娃去上數理化競賽SAT ACT 補習班的時候,娃周末去打工掙了一點錢。前天帶他去銀行去開了一個custodian 賬號(18歲以前必須父母當監護人),放了1000元在Roth IRA裏,今天買了10股VOOV。從此就坐等50年後值多少。服了

同時教育娃:Roth IRA以後上學要用可以提前取,沒有罰款沒有稅。他似懂非懂,俺好歹將理財的種子種下了,以後發不發芽咱就管不著嘍,看娃的造化啦。哈哈

下麵是有關Roth IRA的限製:

1. 沒有年齡限製

2. 收入最高不能超過13萬(個人)或19萬(夫婦)

3. 隻能用earned income. 

The first Roth IRA eligibility consideration is income. You must earn money to open any IRA. That means, if your only income is from unearned sources, such as investments, you cannot contribute to an IRA. You must get paid wages, a salary, tips, professional fees or bonuses.

And you can't put more money than you make in any IRA. So if your income is only $1,500, then $1,500 is the most you can contribute to a Roth.

There is an exception that allows Roth accounts for nonworking spouses. If you and your spouse file a joint return but one does not work, the employed spouse can open and contribute to a Roth IRA for the unemployed partner.

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