(2007-06-05 13:39:27)
前不久在女兒床頭拾到一本小說《The Drawing of the Dark》,讀後有一絲驚喜:也是小說裏摻有真真假假的曆史(The cast of characters includes the wounded and probably dying Fisher King, immortal Merlin, reincarnated King Arthur, the ghost of Finn MacCool, an ancient ship full of only slightly less ancient Vikings on their way to Ragnarok, companies of Swiss mercenaries, legions of Turkish soldiers, spies, wizards, serving wenches, demons and, well, a whole lot more and the historical event of Turkish concor Europe in 500s), 也有帥哥美女,也有神奇武功。。。
看來兒孫自有兒孫福,沒有金庸有Tim Powers.