stocks wont win this battle(mannfm11)
(2007-12-08 20:36:24)
stocks wont win this battle because there is really nothing to buy orat least to garner when you get them. They have been ridiculouslyoverpriced for over a decade now and in truth have gone nowhere foralmost 8 years, but bulls keep bulling them. We haven't had a realeconomic rest for going on 2 decades and debt has been piled up like itis going to be paid tomorrow and like everyone always gets their moneyback. This is going to be an ugly bear market, much uglier than thedotcom bust, as Americans are either going to see their wealth shrinkor their credit just flat not exist. It will be a shot heard around theworld as well and the financial game in Asia will cease as well. TheUnited States is still the economic juggernaut of the world and theidea the dance goes on without it is absurd. It is kind of like makingan assumption that because the car coasted down the 10,000 footmountain so well, it won't need an engine to get across the desert.