
too broke to buy anything(by mannfm11)

(2007-11-15 00:22:53) 下一個
Gold hit $800 plus in 1980. A lot haschanged since then including the CPI going up 300%. I heard one ofthese gold bugs say that the Fed had debased the dollar by 95% since itstarted. If inflation was the game, then gold would be $400 an ounce,or 20 times $20. I know this isn't exact, as there was a minute amountover $20 per ounce in lawful price. I agree that the working poor andlower middle class are seeing what they consume go through the ceiling.It is what the Chinese populace consume as well. Ditto the Indians. Mypoint on this is we keep talking about Bubbles, but the one that seemsto go unheeded is the gold and silver bubbles. Lets see what they dowith these banks before we call the last shot on this one. Anyhow, ifyou want a $3 hamburger, go to Jack in the Box and I think you can 2Jumbo Jacks for that price. When the street people can't get a creditcard any more (I venture a street person who can come up with anaddress could get credit out of this mess), we will see a lot drop. Thetrade balance isn't going to balance because the dollar drops so low.It is going to balance because the American public is going to be toobroke to buy anything. I venture the financial sector employs 25% ofthe economy in some fashion and the retail sector another 20% in somefashion and employment in both is going down. I watched Japan come overto the US and make some bad investments in the 1980's and look whathappened. I think it has happened again, somewhere, probably Dubai.
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