
What always happens when the debt pyramid blows(by goldie)

(2007-09-08 22:29:09) 下一個
What always happens when the debt pyramid blows - mass starvation forthose who survive whatever scapegoat event (nuke, bird flu, anotherround of black plague, another Hitler, etc.) those in charge have inmind.

They will try to delay the inevitable as long as possible - just as they always have.

Theyhave the internet to keep tabs on us and when the jig is up - when toomany no longer believe in the lies - when the foreclosures start reallyaccelerating - when the layoffs hit record levels - that's when I thinkwhatever they have planned will be deployed. They will wait until theycan't anymore - because we aren't coming back from this one for decades.

Theonly reason I've watched the real estate market as I have is becausethat was the only thing inflating the debt pyramid. Once it blew, Iknew it would be over.

I'm a woman, I'd rather be reading andposting about cosmetics, decorating, gardening, the latest plasticsurgery trends! But I have daughters who are literally two of the mostbeautiful young women you will ever lay your eyes on. And I'm notletting them go down without a fight.

You can only defend yourself against sociopaths when you can guess what their next move will be - and when.

TheUS is done - 9/11 allowed the implementation of a police state to takecare of those who survive and won't go along with the program.Manufacturing will be transferred to Asia (already done) and Europewill continue to be the financing arm.

The Iraq invasionfiasco (which turned us into a nation of torturing, murdering, thievingpigs in the eyes of the world) has taken care of any sympatheticfeelings toward us. The world will shrug when we're taken out.

After all, the hard times they face are our fault. Isn't it their financial institutions failing only because they invested in US subprime loans?

Itisn't that debt pyramids inflate until they can't anymore - thenimplode. It's not the banks that charge interest on debt that doesn'texist until it's borrowed into existence.

Nope - it's the good ol US of A that took the world down.

We will get the blame as well as the brunt of the 'solution.'

Our only hope is to 'survive' what's coming.
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