
The Liberal Education(ZT)

(2007-06-19 20:47:23) 下一個
To "Box", Re: The Liberal Education

送交者: gd2 2005年7月11日13:03:43 於 [兒童成長]http://www.bbsland.com

I firmly believe that a kid-specific combination of both western and eastern Great Ideas
offers the best to ABC.

You at least have already known more of the eastern GI than I do(I have relied on my father for years).
For the western GI, I recall my 1st reading of Dr. Adler's "An Introduction to GI and Liberal
Education(vol. 1 of The Great Ideas Program)" back in the early 1980s. It was such an eye openning
to me, and it clearly showed me what I had missed for years in my own education. For quite a few yrs
down the road after I got settled, I took evening classes at local colleges and started my own
reading plan on Great Books of The Western World, supplemented by Harvard Classics and other "modern"

I think Dr. Adler's introduction has most of what you like to know, and I am eager to discuss with you the
great topic of ABC edu.

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